Keir Starmer

I know you as the man who consistently makes the wrong choice when it comes to voting day. If there is a bad option that will guarantee a bad outcome you will vote for the fucker. Every time. It’s almost a gift.

I voted for Brexit due to TTIP and the impact it would have on our public services particularly the NHS. I’d vote leave tomorrow for exactly the same reasons. I will never change my mind on that.

It’s called being consistent and not being a hypocrite. You should try it sometime.
I voted for Brexit due to TTIP and the impact it would have on our public services particularly the NHS. I’d vote leave tomorrow for exactly the same reasons. I will never change my mind on that.

It’s called being consistent and not being a hypocrite. You should try it sometime.

As I said. Wrong choice for the wrong reasons. Every time.
I voted for Brexit due to TTIP and the impact it would have on our public services particularly the NHS. I’d vote leave tomorrow for exactly the same reasons. I will never change my mind on that.

It’s called being consistent and not being a hypocrite. You should try it sometime.
You’d vote leave tomorrow if we were still EU members to avoid a trade deal that was scrapped 5 years ago without ever being implemented?

Johnson would have signed up to a US trade deal in a heartbeat with much worse consequences if it had been on offer.
You’d vote leave tomorrow if we were still EU members to avoid a trade deal that was scrapped 5 years ago without ever being implemented?

Johnson would have signed up to a US trade deal in a heartbeat with much worse consequences if it had been on offer.

Absolutely. TTIP talks lost traction after Brexit vote.

What US/UK trade deal was put in front of Johnson that was much worse, particularly on the main issue of investor disputes? Or are you just making stuff up?
Absolutely. TTIP talks lost traction after Brexit vote.

What US/UK trade deal was put in front of Johnson that was much worse, particularly on the main issue of investor disputes? Or are you just making stuff up?
No US deal was put in front of Johnson but he was on record as being desperate to sign up to one. Johnson was more keen on the optics of getting a deal done than the contents of any deal as demonstrated by the terrible Brexit deal so it’s fairly safe to say that any deal offered by the US would have been disadvantageous to us. Unfortunately for Johnson and fortunately for us, the Biden administration weren’t interested.
No US deal was put in front of Johnson but he was on record as being desperate to sign up to one. Johnson was more keen on the optics of getting a deal done than the contents of any deal as demonstrated by the terrible Brexit deal so it’s fairly safe to say that any deal offered by the US would have been disadvantageous to us. Unfortunately for Johnson and fortunately for us, the Biden administration weren’t interested.

It’s worth remembering that a US / UK trade deal would have also suited Trump so he could demonstrate his free trade credentials. That said I do concur that a UK / US trade deal would certainly favour the US, we don’t carry the same punch as the EU that’s for sure and Johnson does have a bit of an ego so I can certainly see why you think the way you do - and might well have been proven right..
Fortunately for Labour, the Tory Party and campaign keep feeding us headline grabbing fuck ups on an almost daily basis. This latest betting scandal will run for days, maybe even up to polling day. It has that partygate drip effect. New day, a new name in the frame. It is truly remarkable how bad they are.

The tables will turn when Labour are in the hot seat though - there will be anger and scandals thrown at Labour all the time, especially in todays social media world where everyone can get easily whipped up into a frenzy over anything.
A person can afford it on £40k if they have a partner on a similar salary. It depends what sacrifices they are prepared to make, like fucking off sky tv ;)

It’s gesture politics because it’s singling out private schools and it will barely raise £500m or so. Seriously what good is that going to do to our state system? Tax the wealthy and fix our education system properly - which I agree is underfunded.

I've just dipped back into this thread and so apologies if what I'm about to say is irrelevant or already covered.

I don't know where the £500m number has come from but let's just take it on it's merit. I know at one level it's a drop in the ocean compared to our needs but another way of looking at it is this...

By my fag packet calculations £500m would fund approx 18-20k TA's fully loaded exc initial training (which is obvs an issue). There are about 16.5k primary schools in England. So in simplistic terms that equates to an additional TA in every school. Might not seem much but if I take the school I'm a governor at I know the SLT would bite your hand off. Post the damage covid did to our schools (partly nothing we could have done and partly absolutely crap strategy and execution by DfE/gov) most schools remain very challenged. The number of interventions required for pupils, whether taking to the toilet children who aren't toilet trained, through to targeted group sessions to get writing back up to standard means that any additional bandwidth to create a bit of flexibility to allow some of those interventions to take place will make a huge impact on the life chances of the kids in question. It is a drop in the ocean but it's enough to make a difference to some children and shouldn't imo be sniffed at.

For the next few years everything is going to be about the art of the possible and making every quid make a difference. I cant tell you how much time and money has been wasted in education in the last few years on ideological bollocks from the centre but we can't turn back the clock we need to move forward. I know my school is more than capable of making a few quid go a long way and whilst we wait for the great leap forward and better strategy and sustainable funding models, putting a bit in their hands would change some kids lives.

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