Keir Starmer

The cult of Keir is a weird thing

"Must have a 2019 pass" chuckle, oh Keir you comedy genius.

Maybe the heckler should have asked him about the poor old sausages rather than the children, might have got a more humane response then.
I think the cult of any politician is beyond strange, these fawning odd balls asking for selfies at conferences, portraits of PMs on their walls, calling them by their first names etc when self-serving duplicitious twat would be more apt.
It’s interesting how the PM’s expenses are brought to everyone’s attention…

You all honestly reckon every conservative PM isn’t up to the same stuff?

Do I like it, no. Is it right wing influencers pushing an agenda to stir up the middle? Obviously.

Asked about the donations, Sir Keir said that around £20,000 he had declared from Lord Alli for unspecified accommodation was for his teenager to study for exams in a 'peaceful' atmosphere while there was intense media attention in the run-up to the election.

'My boy, 16, was in the middle of his GCSEs. I made him a promise, a promise that he would be able to get to his school, do his exams, without being disturbed,' he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

'We have lots of journalists outside our house where we live and I'm not complaining about that, that's fine.

'But if you're a 16-year-old trying to do your GCSEs and it's your one chance in life – I promised him we would move somewhere, get out of the house and go somewhere where he could be peacefully studying.

'Somebody then offered me accommodation where we could do that. I took that up and it was the right thing to do.'

Not heard the interview but if that’s what he said then it’s worrying that he is being a privileged **** with zero self awareness.

Thousands of 16 year old kids are living in appalling conditions and circumstances who don’t have the luxury of a daddy who can promise them the moon on a stick. I get he wants to do right by his kid, of course he does, most parents do but for the love of god show some fucking humility man.

Be a privileged **** all you want but don’t run to be PM if you want to, especially not on a ticket of “change”.

I’ve no idea who is advising him on his messaging but they should be fired.
Not heard the interview but if that’s what he said then it’s worrying that he is being a privileged **** with zero self awareness.

Thousands of 16 year old kids are living in appalling conditions and circumstances who don’t have the luxury of a daddy who can promise them the moon on a stick. I get he wants to do right by his kid, of course he does, most parents do but for the love of god show some fucking humility man.

Be a privileged **** all you want but don’t run to be PM if you want to, especially not on a ticket of “change”.

I’ve no idea who is advising him on his messaging but they should be fired.

Its a mess of Starmers making, same as Majors "Back to Basics" when the press picked them off one by one.

The "CHANGE" was a terrible idea.
Wez Streeting “I’m really proud of people who want to contribute…their money to our politics. It is a noble pursuit.”Wes Streeting lauds donors as he defends Keir Starmer’s decision to accept donations for hospitality.
Haha is he for real “just like giving to charity”
It is a serious point. Anyone can donate to charity. Anyone can donate to a political party. Should I donate to a cancer charity to provide care or research or to a party that would legislate to provide care or research?

And we have actually come a long way since MPs had undeclared payments to speak in parliament on behalf of vested interests. I think it was Callaghan who said he was always thinking for whose interests an MP was speaking. Gwyneth Dunwoody was parliamentary rep for the fur industry! One Tory MP was in favour of fitting flue-gas desulphurisation to the local power station but then he wasn't - after an expenses-paid trip to apartheid South Africa who could supply low sulphur coal.

A lot of commercial interests (and charities) think it worthwhile paying the parties for exhibition space at party conferences (and put on fringe meetings with free catering for delegates). Is this a legitimate attempt to win friends and influence people, or just a sort of bribe?

Is it even right that an MP is beholden to voters in one constituency rather than acting in the wider national interest?
£20,000 for "accommodation costs" now I hear, with the excuse "it was so my son could study for his GCSEs". £20,000.
Under the Tories, rental costs in London have soared. (It was a gift, no money changed hands, so presumably was what Lord Alli could have rented it out for.)
Is this the same man who said he wouldn’t use private healthcare to help a loved one even if they were in dire circumstance? Yet he would happily trouser £20k so his son had somewhere quiet to study really?
Someone should ask him if he would use private healthcare if Lord Alli was paying !
The hypocrisy is boundless !

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