Keir Starmer

Not heard the interview but if that’s what he said then it’s worrying that he is being a privileged **** with zero self awareness.

Thousands of 16 year old kids are living in appalling conditions and circumstances who don’t have the luxury of a daddy who can promise them the moon on a stick. I get he wants to do right by his kid, of course he does, most parents do but for the love of god show some fucking humility man.

Be a privileged **** all you want but don’t run to be PM if you want to, especially not on a ticket of “change”.

I’ve no idea who is advising him on his messaging but they should be fired.

Most of those kids won't have privately educated twits and professional voyeurs camping outside their house to ask inane questions and take photographs.

Seems like it was a temporary arrangement for a month or two. Who else would rent somewhere when a kind friend has offered somewhere for free?
Not heard the interview but if that’s what he said then it’s worrying that he is being a privileged **** with zero self awareness.

Thousands of 16 year old kids are living in appalling conditions and circumstances who don’t have the luxury of a daddy who can promise them the moon on a stick. I get he wants to do right by his kid, of course he does, most parents do but for the love of god show some fucking humility man.

Be a privileged **** all you want but don’t run to be PM if you want to, especially not on a ticket of “change”.

I’ve no idea who is advising him on his messaging but they should be fired.
I think Starmer’s definition of a none working class person was along the lines of. ‘When you can write a cheque to solve a problem’. Or just get one of your millionaire mates to do it for you. He’s nothing but a hypocritical arsehole.
What I cannot stand abouit him more than anything else is the lying. For me, it's even worse than when Boris would do it. I don't know why I feel like that, maybe it's because I am supporter of conservative principles, but genuinely I have NEVER been a fan of Boris.

I think it's because Starmer is so slimy, I am not even sure he knows he is doing it. The lie about having to remove the WFA to "stablize the economy". I have never heard such tripe in all my life. The economy was not "unstable" in the first place. Broke, yes. But not "unstable".

As if a £1.3bn saving contributing to an alleged forecast £22hn deficit in £1,226bn of overall spending, could POSSIBLY be something that would "stablize the economy". It's such a ludicrous claim it is laughable. Anyone who stops to think, will not believe it, because it's just not true.

He CHOSE to take the WFA away for whatever sick motivation he may have had. That's the truth and his constant lying about it is ruining his image more and more, day by day.
What I cannot stand abouit him more than anything else is the lying. For me, it's even worse than when Boris would do it. I don't know why I feel like that, maybe it's because I am supporter of conservative principles, but genuinely I have NEVER been a fan of Boris.

I think it's because Starmer is so slimy, I am not even sure he knows he is doing it. The lie about having to remove the WFA to "stablize the economy". I have never heard such tripe in all my life. The economy was not "unstable" in the first place. Broke, yes. But not "unstable".

As if a £1.3bn saving contributing to an alleged forecast £22hn deficit in £1,226bn of overall spending, could POSSIBLY be something that would "stablize the economy". It's such a ludicrous claim it is laughable. Anyone who stops to think, will not believe it, because it's just not true.

He CHOSE to take the WFA away for whatever sick motivation he may have had. That's the truth and his constant lying about it is ruining his image more and more, day by day.
It’s interesting how the PM’s expenses are brought to everyone’s attention…

You all honestly reckon every conservative PM isn’t up to the same stuff?

Do I like it, no. Is it right wing influencers pushing an agenda to stir up the middle? Obviously.

But not ALL major politicians are sanctimonious hypocritical twats that spent the last 14 years slagging the opposition off for what is now clear, they have been doing themselves all along.

Do you not see that? If you are going to act all holier than thou, you yourself had better be squeaky clean. It's the hypocricy and lying about it afterwards that offends the most.
Is this the same man who said he wouldn’t use private healthcare to help a loved one even if they were in dire circumstance? Yet he would happily trouser £20k so his son had somewhere quiet to study really?
Someone should ask him if he would use private healthcare if Lord Alli was paying !
The hypocrisy is boundless !
It looks bad in isolation, and even worse when you consider how much he’d already pocketed from Alli.

Did it not cross Starmer’s mind that it was all starting to look weird and frankly embarrassing, having someone buying clothes and glasses for you and your wife, and then you end up living in his property, especially when you’re about to be PM?

Starmer really is an odd bloke.
Is this the same man who said he wouldn’t use private healthcare to help a loved one even if they were in dire circumstance? Yet he would happily trouser £20k so his son had somewhere quiet to study really?
Someone should ask him if he would use private healthcare if Lord Alli was paying !
The hypocrisy is boundless !
Of course it is. And only the Labour zealots on here could pretend otherwise. See above.

Starmer really is an odd bloke.
At the very least.
Most of those kids won't have privately educated twits and professional voyeurs camping outside their house to ask inane questions and take photographs.

Seems like it was a temporary arrangement for a month or two. Who else would rent somewhere when a kind friend has offered somewhere for free?
Of course mate. Nothing to see here. Let's all move on.

I said a few weeks back that Starmer will not last 5 years. I was mocked for saying it. I am feeling more confident in that prediction, day by day. The press will never leave him alone and as and when things get worse and worse, mores skeletons out of the cupboard, pensioners dying, strikes even after bigger pay rises, etc, SOMETHING is going to trigger it and his position is going to become untenable and he is going to have to step down "for the good of the party". We will see.

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