Keir Starmer

Big chance to eviscerate the fucker tomorrow at PMQ's - probably best to cry off with a broken nail and let Angie drive the wooden stake right through the fat shapeshifting vampire's heart

Starmer will give Boris another hiding. Like he does every time.
Hopefully he is preparing like a barrister tonight getting questions for which the stock answers just don't apply. He doesn't have to make him look like a fool Johnson has that covered himself
The problem is it's not like cross-exanination in court. You can't just take up one statement (lie) and say "that's not true, is it?" then follow up line by line (lie by lie) because you only get six questions. It's why Johnson never answered the 6th question, just repeated the usual slogans.
Starmer cracked a few funnies that hit the target. Liked his "Apology must have been written by a Lawyer" line.

If he shows that humourous side the voters he's after might warm to him more.
Starmer cracked a few funnies that hit the target. Liked his "Apology must have been written by a Lawyer" line.

If he shows that humourous side the voters he's after might warm to him more.
For me, he always does well at PMQs but he seemed to step it up today, laughing at Johnson whilst even getting in some Labour policies moving forward.
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For me, he always does well at PMQs but he seemed to step it up today, laughing at Johnson whilst even getting in some Labour policies moving forward.
Sadly the people he wants their votes from will see the skewed news headlines of a defiant prime minister who's removed plan B COVID restrictions to improve the economy etc...
For me, he always does well at PMQs but he seemed to step it up today, laughing at Johnson whilst even getting in some Labour policies moving forward.
really don't think he lands the blows he should. Angela Raynor has been much better in her brief stand in appearances. Trouble is that Starmer does not come across with any passion or socialist princpls.
Sadly the people he wants their votes from will see the skewed news headlines of a defiant prime minister who's removed plan B COVID restrictions to improve the economy etc...
And that’s why the opposition had to keep the focus elsewhere. The PM cannot have a bad week every week and will always find a way to put the positive stuff across.

He‘s given his supporters what they want but also alienated a lot more of those who were wavering with their support.
really don't think he lands the blows he should. Angela Raynor has been much better in her brief stand in appearances. Trouble is that Starmer does not come across with any passion or socialist princpls.
Probably right and it’s good to see the two of them coming from different angles to smash the points home.

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