Keir Starmer

That doesn't work mate - the Yanks they are trying to sell it to make their cash in the States by having a large cohort of sick people they can fleece - they don't wanna kill the sick they want to keep them alive for longer in droves and at great expense
Just have to make their fortune in insurance then.
You mean the report commissioned by Keir Starmer that exposed the factionalism within the Labour Party and was highly critical of both factions. That doesn’t make Starmer a horrible ****. It shows him to be someone who wants to resolve the problems within the party and move on.

I don't care about your politics,but it's not possible to honestly come to this conclusion.

Starmer believes, as Blair and Brown believed, that the problem with the Labour Party is the Party itself. That's why we had New Labour and The Third Way.

Starmer is not in the resolving business, he believes the only way to save the Labour Party is to destroy it, and that's precisely what he is doing.
How many people in this country are on working and child tax / universal credits and the benefits that go with them ? Pretty sure it’s much more than those on unemployment benefits.
last time i checked (pre pandemic) it was 8 million households
I don't care about your politics,but it's not possible to honestly come to this conclusion.

Starmer believes, as Blair and Brown believed, that the problem with the Labour Party is the Party itself. That's why we had New Labour and The Third Way.

Starmer is not in the resolving business, he believes the only way to save the Labour Party is to destroy it, and that's precisely what he is doing.
The fact that he commissioned the report and it has been published warts and all suggests he wants to get past this issue. It makes sense to do it now rather than have it like a festering sore in the run up to the election. So yes, it has painted a lot of people in a bad light including himself but it is already yesterday’s news, and those that are serious about wanting to beat the Tories at the next election are moving on.
The fact that he commissioned the report and it has been published warts and all suggests he wants to get past this issue. It makes sense to do it now rather than have it like a festering sore in the run up to the election. So yes, it has painted a lot of people in a bad light including himself but it is already yesterday’s news, and those that are serious about wanting to beat the Tories at the next election are moving on.

His hand was forced in commissioning that report and when you state...." it is already yesterday’s news"....

It was never any days news!

Mostly ignored when it came out, superficially reported at best and quickly buried.

It "resolved" precisely nothing.
His hand was forced in commissioning that report and when you state...." it is already yesterday’s news"....

It was never any days news!

Mostly ignored when it came out, superficially reported at best and quickly buried.

It "resolved" precisely nothing.
It may not have resolved much but it gives Starmer the opportunity to say it has been addressed when his detractors bring it up, and it’s better for it all to come out in one go rather than regular leaks causing a distraction from the important business of providing effective opposition to the worst government in living memory.
What’s interesting ? Do you really think the vast majority of voters take the slightest bit of notice of something like the Ford report when they vote? How many voters even read a party manifesto before an election, I’d guess very few. Surely whatever your personal views on that stuff,you can't believe that

It seems to me there's some deep revisionism going on with your PoV.

In 2017, Labour came within thousands of votes of becoming the governing party. Why, because Corbyn's policies were allowed to go directly to the people as the MSM didn't take him seriously.

I can't recall Corbyn being falsely accused of antisemitism back then, which became one of the weapons used in the MSM in the next election run.

I'm pretty sure you remember the MSM differences in presentation of Corbyn in favour of the utterly oafish Johnson!!

So, yes, you're wrong about people not reading manifestos. You saw what I saw in 2017. So, when the MSM presented utter lies over Corbyn in the next election attempt, what do you think the result would have been if they were forced to retract the lies, publically?

Do you not think peoples views would have changed?
It may not have resolved much but it gives Starmer the opportunity to say it has been addressed when his detractors bring it up, and it’s better for it all to come out in one go rather than regular leaks causing a distraction from the important business of providing effective opposition to the worst government in living memory.

I can't force you to open your eyes if you'd rather keep them shut.

I rarely venture in here these days because all too often it's not difference of opinion that's discussed, but banging heads attempting to get folk to see what my old dad used to call "the bleedin obvious"

Believe me when I say I don't mean to insult you, but your post is meaningless nonsense, unhinged from reality, it is not founded in anything really and unless you're a complete moron, and I don't believe you are, then you're knowingly talking out your arse.

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