Keir Starmer

I see Chan and Momentum are now going after Starmer and hoping to defeat Labour candidates.

I can understand the importance of the Palestinian issue to these people but to try and defeat Labour and muddy the waters of domestic politics with a foreign policy issue is frankly ridiculous.
I see Chan and Momentum are now going after Starmer and hoping to defeat Labour candidates.

I can understand the importance of the Palestinian issue to these people but to try and defeat Labour and muddy the waters of domestic politics with a foreign policy issue is frankly ridiculous.

That's not the only reason cited for them leaving.

The below doesn't seem a anything to do with foreign policy.

They said quitting the party was “not a decision any of us has taken lightly” but expressed concern at Labour’s policy to retain the two child benefit cap and a supposed lack of a commitment to saving public services.

It's also Hilary Schan, she's not Chinese.

She also only joined the labour party in 2016 because of Corbyn, she wants to campaign for people that most closely align with her worldview. Not sure why it's controversial.

The Guardian reckons this could be the end of momentum. And naturally that would be to the Labour right and Starmer's benefit.
That's not the only reason cited for them leaving.

The below doesn't seem a anything to do with foreign policy.

They said quitting the party was “not a decision any of us has taken lightly” but expressed concern at Labour’s policy to retain the two child benefit cap and a supposed lack of a commitment to saving public services.

It's also Hilary Schan, she's not Chinese.

She also only joined the labour party in 2016 because of Corbyn, she wants to campaign for people that most closely align with her worldview. Not sure why it's controversial.

The Guardian reckons this could be the end of momentum. And naturally that would be to the Labour right and Starmer's benefit.

Apologies, no excuse but I post off the iPhone at work and the fucking autocorrect on this thing drives me mad.

What I don’t get is why would you do anything just before an election that could in anyway hurt and damage any potential majority over the Tories?

We all know this is about one single issue.
Apologies, no excuse but I post off the iPhone at work and the fucking autocorrect on this thing drives me mad.

What I don’t get is why would you do anything just before an election that could in anyway hurt and damage any potential majority over the Tories?

We all know this is about one single issue.

There's absolutely no chance that this will have any impact on the general election result.

How can you possibly know that? You can't.

If she genuinely believes that Starmer's labour are Tory lite then there's no reason for her to stay. It's up to Starmer to prove her wrong by decisive, radical policies (just a few). And it would only take a few genuinely transformative policies to show her up as an idealistic trot.

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