Khaldoon End Of Season Interview Thread

Fine interview by this charming chairman.

Message straight into the bull's fucking eye: we fucking move on and leave the fucking past behind, and nothing is going to fucking stop us, no fucking Uefa, no fucking Platini, no fucking cartel clubs, not even the dodgy fa fucking refs. Well with more polite wording. The media roaches might be biting their bollocks off at the huge snubbing by the chairman.

About the City Group, I sense the acquiring another sky blue side, this time in south America, capable of winning the copa Libertadores de America, imagine a clubs world cup with 4 CG sides from all over the world.
All I wish from these interviews is that the New York stuff was on the New York website, the Melbourne stuff was on the Melbourne website, and our OS was strictly City. I accept that some want to hear about the other teams, but personally I couldn't give a fuck!
Good to hear such positivity from the chairman. Bodes well for the future but the same can be said for all the other top 4 teams as the playing field is now even. Just glad were a contender for the title.
I'm a City fan of many years standing. I don't want to hear how wonderful everything is, how we've got a plan that we're achieving and all that crap. I want to hear about the three managers we sacked last season, how we've got no money to rebuild the stand that's falling down or why we had to sell our only decent player. That sort of stuff.

I'd easily guessed you are one of those that generally moans , unable to come out with solutions. But you are entitled to do so...

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