Khaldoon's End of Season Review | Pt 1 (p26) | Pt 2 (p40)

By the Club's numbers.

But my point is that the idea that inflation has affected City to the point where they have to raise ticket prices is an odd one. @Prestwich_Blue once made a cracking post working out a very general idea on how much we make in matchday revenue from "normal" fans rather than corporate and concluded that we could charge £10 a ticket to the people in the stands and it would have a negligible effect on revenue.

The average season ticket price from the last accounts was £880. If that was reduced to £500, the club would stand to lose around £12m in revenue. They made £80m profit last year. They could have made "only" £68m profit, still the highest profit in the history of the club and one of only 3 teams who made a profit in the league (though Brighton was due to sales).

To put it another way, City seem to believe that they need to make ALL of the money in the world. Only making SOME of the money and having a concession to fans who are the lifeblood of the club and the team (if Pep's constant comments are to be believed) is not on their radar.
Yeah I get what you're saying, and the money involved is so immaterial to City, but would make a material difference to the match going fan.

I'm just not sure it's something that would be done in any business though. Nike, Heineken, Starbucks (you get my drift!) probably make more in sponsorships and other Commercial deals than they do in actually selling their product; but it doesn't stop them charging £150 for a pair of trainers that have cost them £1, a £6 pint that costs 50p, or a £3.50 coffee that probably costs 20p.

Not sure the above are the best examples, but the jist for me, is that multi national businesses probably make most of their money outside of their actual core product.

I just think business is business, and it hurts as it's something we all love, but I just don't think many businesses are successful by giving their products away (there will be expections no doubt!)
I don't think any other clubs chairman comes out and gives an end of season review, Khaldoon has done it since day one. He doesn't have to do any of it as he owes us nothing!

It's bizarre that some people have a pop at him, The best part of it all is that he gets us as City fans, He gets the fact that we are being screwed over by rival clubs along with the Premier League and UEFA, He's not just some gimp that has went the college and has qualifications for this job, He's a well known leader all over the world.

I trust him 100% regarding the charges, He wouldn't fuck us over absolute no chance, We couldn't ask for a better Chairman he is immense. When he talks you listen!

Personally I love his end of season interviews, I know there's all the debate going on regarding ticket prices and you can see both sides case, To watch the best team in the world for the prices we pay is very good if you compare it to some other clubs in England especially that are nowhere near as successful as us, Then there's the other side of it we're we are struggling for cash with inflation prices and it's tough for the vast majority of us.

Anyway, I don't know about all of you but I can't wait for all the charges to be over and just move on to talking about football again.
So, apart from the Aqueduct, Sanitation, Early leavers, Irrigation, Matchday thread moaners, Medicine, the traffic on Ashton New Road, Public order, City bus scheme, Education, Canal paths, Fresh water system, Nth stand extension n fancy motel, Public baths, Less parking, Ticket prices, Smokey bogs, Shite beer n the odd cold Pie

...can we all agree we've not done too badly coming from a group of lads that used to a have kick -around practice off of Yea Tree Road of a thursday night then showcasing the skills in Maine Road fortnightly saturdays, to this season alone bagging yet another title, making it to a Cup final, our teenie boppers lifting F.A Youth Cup, Our Women having a blast but just falling short at the end.

A group that has Girona about to embark upon a European Cup journey, a New York getting a shinny new home base (i know, i know), Melbourne making the Play Offs, Melbourne women lifting the title, Montevideo (they won't be short of camera's eh) making it through to the Uruguayan Cup final, Yokohama through to Asian Champions League final and lets not forget the mighty Shenzhen massive going on to lift the China League One, not many pitch invasions, granted.

The Model works well.

Okay, a few exceptions to all that, Palermo n Lommel won't be best pleased at not getting promotion, a few, well, more than a few Troyes fans are yet to be convinced to stick with this whole group thingy n see it through, but apart from that, The Model works well does it not ! ?
So, apart from the Aqueduct, Sanitation, Early leavers, Irrigation, Matchday thread moaners, Medicine, the traffic on Ashton New Road, Public order, City bus scheme, Education, Canal paths, Fresh water system, Nth stand extension n fancy motel, Public baths, Less parking, Ticket prices, Smokey bogs, Shite beer n the odd cold Pie

...can we all agree we've not done too badly coming from a group of lads that used to a have kick -around practice off of Yea Tree Road of a thursday night then showcasing the skills in Maine Road fortnightly saturdays, to this season alone bagging yet another title, making it to a Cup final, our teenie boppers lifting F.A Youth Cup, Our Women having a blast but just falling short at the end.

A group that has Girona about to embark upon a European Cup journey, a New York getting a shinny new home base (i know, i know), Melbourne making the Play Offs, Melbourne women lifting the title, Montevideo making it through to the Uruguayan Cup final, Yokohama through to Asian Champions League final and lets not forget the mighty Shenzhen massive going on to lft the China League One, not many pith invasions, granted.

The Model works well.

Okay, a few exceptions to all that, Palermo n Lommel won't be best pleased at not getting promotion, a few, well, more than a few Troyes fans are yet to be convinced to stick with this whole group thingy n see it through, but apart from that, The Model works well does it not ! ?
Missed The Eagles being greedy bastards in your first paragraph:)

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