Khaldoon's End of Season Review | Pt 1 (p26) | Pt 2 (p40)

The reality is: As fans, we get radio silence from the club for 364 days a year. We have a CEO in Soriano who appears to have taken a Trappist monk style vow of silence. The club refuse to communicate and interact with the fans on any meaningful basis on any important topic - and those thoughts are echoed on this forum almost on a daily basis. Then on one day of the year, we get a circa 20 minute, highly choreographed, rehearsed Q&A from Khaldoon and some people, think it's fantastic. It's not. The overall communication between the club and fans is absolutely abysmal, and has been for years. Yeah, I like Khaldoon, I like his style, everybody does. But is that really, the best the club can do? Obviously, it is.
TBF, you could say that about the senior management of pretty much every club in the league and some are even worse. Don't recall the Glazers doing an end of season video.
The reality is: As fans, we get radio silence from the club for 364 days a year. We have a CEO in Soriano who appears to have taken a Trappist monk style vow of silence. The club refuse to communicate and interact with the fans on any meaningful basis on any important topic - and those thoughts are echoed on this forum almost on a daily basis. Then on one day of the year, we get a circa 20 minute, highly choreographed, rehearsed Q&A from Khaldoon and some people, think it's fantastic. It's not. The overall communication between the club and fans is absolutely abysmal, and has been for years. Yeah, I like Khaldoon, I like his style, everybody does. But is that really, the best the club can do? Obviously, it is.
Not really sure what you want? These are people running a global multi-million pound business empire, they're not there to give soundbites to the fans or as Soriano see's us "customers" that would be a complete waste of their time.

besides, the more these people talk, the more controversy they open themselves up to. I don't want them in the news constantly, I want them to get on with their job. What other business, not just in football or sport but in any sector the size of city do you see the hierarchy having regular direct communication with the customers?
Well, the first Pellegrini season was an improvement on the last Mancini season...
Mancini was shat on, given players to work with who he didn’t want. The powers that be had already decided his abrasive style did not suit the image they wanted for the Club. He was/is a bloody good manager and I for one will always be grateful to him for that Aguero moment.
Mancini was shat on, given players to work with who he didn’t want. The powers that be had already decided his abrasive style did not suit the image they wanted for the Club. He was/is a bloody good manager and I for one will always be grateful to him for that Aguero moment.
He’s what we needed at the time. Think it’s pretty clear now that he’s a short term manager for any club.
Not really sure what you want? These are people running a global multi-million pound business empire, they're not there to give soundbites to the fans or as Soriano see's us "customers" that would be a complete waste of their time.

besides, the more these people talk, the more controversy they open themselves up to. I don't want them in the news constantly, I want them to get on with their job. What other business, not just in football or sport but in any sector the size of city do you see the hierarchy having regular direct communication with the customers?
Idiots like him want the execs to pay them a personal visit and to answer any questions asked. You just can't fix stupid I'm afraid.
The reality is: As fans, we get radio silence from the club for 364 days a year. We have a CEO in Soriano who appears to have taken a Trappist monk style vow of silence. The club refuse to communicate and interact with the fans on any meaningful basis on any important topic - and those thoughts are echoed on this forum almost on a daily basis. Then on one day of the year, we get a circa 20 minute, highly choreographed, rehearsed Q&A from Khaldoon and some people, think it's fantastic. It's not. The overall communication between the club and fans is absolutely abysmal, and has been for years. Yeah, I like Khaldoon, I like his style, everybody does. But is that really, the best the club can do? Obviously, it is.
Good post - unfortunately its a bit wasted on here. People take you suggesting we need a bit more communication and re-invent what you've said to make out that you've asked for hourly updates. There's can't possibly be an in-between.

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