Kia Joorabchian; "Garry Cook thinks he is bigger than Tevez"

The whole thing stinks. To talk about failure to be in the champions league when we are joint second and will more than likely be in the competition next season is laughable. There is no way the club could have guaranteed us finishing in the top 4 last season so to me it can only be about money which probably means Real Madrid have tapped him up.

As for Cook, he seems to be settling into his role now and hasn't said as much to the media recently as he has in the past. Tevez, in the way he has acted has alienated the fans and it seems they now choose Cook over him so bye bye Carlos.

By the way, does anyone know Garry Cook's email?
I trust the club will not get involved in some squalid public squabble. Clearly relations between the club and agent have broken down for whatever reason. Lack of influence, better contract or whatever. Confront the situation deal with it and move on but deal with it on City's terms not Kia's.
Did I hear right this morning on ITV that tevez has said one of the reasons he wants to leave is City's lack of ambition?
To be honest I have been very surprised and pleased by both of the press and fans response to this. I must have had my head in the sand as its becomming pretty clear just how strongly disliked Tevez and his agent are in english football.

I thought the press would absolutely slaughter us for this. The manager, the owners cook etc. But actually I havent seen a bad article at all really, all of english football seems to be united behind City against Tevez and co.

The biggest surprise was this morning I almost fell off my chair when I read Graham Talyor criticising Tevez and his agent and backing city. Keep in mind this is a guy who lives like a king running the footballers union who I have never seen criticise a pro in my life even when the likes of Stan Collmore beat up women and acted like an idiot he said nothing.

Really Kia and TEvez have played this really really badly no doubt they have completely lost the PR battle on this. No one believes the lies they keep changing their story and no one is falling for it (Much to my surprise)

The biggest mistake they made was saying he would go on strike or just retire - the club called his bluff straight away and said they would sue - they shit themselves and backed down immideately. As Tayor said its already been proven with Mutu if a player breaks a contract for no reason they will loose in court eventually and it will ruin them with the money involved. This is clearly why he has decided to come out on citys side - they dont want this one going to court.

This statement today was another mistake by Kia. Its gone badly for them with the press and fans, he should have had the sense to keep his mouth shut and keep his head down.

Hes still going after cook despite the fact the fans are not interested and now want rid of Tevez, and the press, despite not liking cook see through all the lies and think the excuses being given are contradictory and unreasonable.

I was sure Tevez would be sold in January but the clubs responce and the fact Real seem unintersted now its clear he wont be sold on the cheap mean he could well end up staying here till next summer. I would rather he went now but as long as he puts in the same efoort he has been and keeps his stupid scar face shut for the rest of the season that fine - its like having a useful loan player. He can be sold next summer for decent money in the mean time the positive of this is that the club has seen being reliant on one player for goals is a bad idea and it looks like we will sign Dezko in January with possibly Crocky going the other was as part of the deal (Even better).

So overall its no where near as bad as it first seemed. One think is clear Tevez has ruined his legact in english football which is a shame for such a gifted player. I am sure Kia has ruined his chances with dealing with the big english clubs again in future.
Whilst there's no doubt this Kia guy will always look after his own interests, and he clearly has an axe to grind with City, and vice versa, it is too simplistic to put the blame for this 100% at his door and nowhere else.

Tevez is not so simple that he will not express his own wishes. It is his reputation and future being gambled here. He clearly has and has had gripes with the club.

I'm not saying he's in the right, I don't know the facts well enough. It certainly appears City has been very flexible with him. But there is surely more to this that just "Greedy Agent Seeks Move for Zomble Client".
How stupid does Kia Joorabiwadi think we all are?

It's hilarious how he's now trying to paint himself as the good guy who the fans should all be grateful to.

Danny Hoekman said:
KJ is a law unto himself and a poison within the game. I'm certain that without his involvement, we would have a contented captain.

And without him we wouldn't have got carlos from the rags! Not defending him by any means, but when we needed him he was ok, now he's twunt. I firmly believe it is just about money and mirrors completely what happened with shrek. I think the club should and will stand firm on this, but 100% want carlos to stay. There is a way back for him!! He will never give us less than his all on the pitch
It is my understanding from sources within the club,that the issue is down to a lack of repect for whatever reason between Tevez and Mancini, Apparantly they have had a massive dressing room bust up (we are talking 30 minutes+), all the other players were asked to leave and security were put on the door.
Looking at other threads there may be have been an indication that Mancini would go and hasn't hence the broken promises. What makes it worse is that Tevez has tried to get the players against Mancini, in a vaote of confidence,but quite rightly the club are supporting Mancini.

I personally don't like Cook, reminds me to much of Prince Philip for gaffs, but can't fault his business acumen.
Maybe promise of change of manager but no one suitable or the Sheik has prevented the change?

If, and when I hear more I will post it.
anymore than 2sheiks said:
Did I hear right this morning on ITV that tevez has said one of the reasons he wants to leave is City's lack of ambition?

Wayne Rooney - Mark II it sounds like. He wants to discuss this with his fellow employee's. Richards has come out and said he'll be gutted if Tevez goes I reckon the players should just show what they can do without him like they did against West Ham. I wouldn't be surprised if they knew about Carlos before the game there was some kind of unity about the team when they were playing looked like they were looking for a win and 3 points.

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