Kia Joorabchian; "Garry Cook thinks he is bigger than Tevez"

Tevez needs fucking off from our club PDQ,this whole charade will undermime all the seasons hard work so far.

How the fuck can he look the manager,the fans & his team mates in th eye ever again at City?

The whole affair is a fucking mess,hes turned up at training like nothing has happened and is now saying i will play for you then fuck off in the summer.

Cook and Khaldoun need to put this to bed asap-just sell the twat.

And Joorabchian,he should go and play on the motorway-blindfolded.

sort it out City
TVI said:
This is complete horse shit.

What possible promises would the club specifically make to one handsomely paid player? He wasn't happy that we didn't qualify for the Champions League? Well no sh!t sherlock. Neither were the fans but we didn't have a £250K a week comfort cushion to fall back on.

P!ss on this turd and get a player in that plays for the team, not himself.

The other thing that has been mentioned is a promise to buy certain players. We know that is rubbish as you could only achieve that if the other club agrees to sell. So how could you make it a promise in the first place.
zeven said:
Cant see Cook do anything that might hurt our club.

I trust Cook 100 per cent.

Kia please have an accident.

'Trust Cook %100' - Really? Do you? Would you?
Its all smoke and mirrors.

I hear this morning that the agent says Tevez was "disappointed" that we didn't qualify for the champions league,and that this was one of Cook's "broken promises."
I suspect that the other players were pretty pissed aswell-but their feelings obviously don't count.

If I was one of Tevez' teammates this morning I'd be pretty unhappy that the collective failure to qualify for the CL somehow matters more to Tevez than me.

And if I was Tevez' agent,I'd have been very careful to put the finer details of Tevez' "promisies" into a written contract-that no-one could then argue about it later....not some hear-say "Cook said this" bullshit excuse when you want out.
"If City don't qualify for the CL this season,I will be granted a move on my terms."
Fair enough.No complaints.
Who could argue if it's made clear?

But then I thought this was all about being away from the family?Too much football?Not enough football?Being subbed?Retirement?Lack of respect?Away from Argentina?Training too hard?Poor tactics?

It' all about one thing dressed up as any of the above-MONEY.

The grubby little puppetmaster wants a bit more,and he's trying to push a deal elsewhere.
He's hatched a shitty plan to blame Cook (who I'm no fan of btw) because he knows that most of football have Cook down as a muppet.He thinks that Tevez will get the sympathy vote as soon as Cook's name is thrown into the ring.


Menawhile,the dumb little slave goes along with any old bollocks in order to get a move,no matter what the consequences to the club and the fans who have paid him so handsomely and bent over backwards to accomodate his every whim and need.

These two are an utter disgrace,and for the good of MCFC and football in general they must be shown that with their shoddy tactics,this time they have started a war of attrition they simply won't win.

Gelsons Dad said:

well I never!

Is that a porno term? Sounds fun............might attract more marquee's if they think they're going to be 'unilingualled' at half time.

Beats Rodney Marsh being 'pulled off at half time' by Sir Alf Ramsey!
Damocles said:
What a stupid story.

Cook is a clear foot bigger than Tevez.

Exactly. Probably nearer 15 inches. Broader as well but not quite as stocky.
Some people have no idea of perspective.
RBmk2 said:
Its all smoke and mirrors.

I hear this morning that the agent says Tevez was "disappointed" that we didn't qualify for the champions league,and that this was one of Cook's "broken promises."
I suspect that the other players were pretty pissed aswell-but their feelings obviously don't count.

If I was one of Tevez' teammates this morning I'd be pretty unhappy that the collective failure to qualify for the CL somehow matters more to Tevez than me.

And if I was Tevez' agent,I'd have been very careful to put the finer details of Tevez' "promisies" into a written contract-that no-one could then argue about it later....not some hear-say "Cook said this" bullshit excuse when you want out.
"If City don't qualify for the CL this season,I will be granted a move on my terms."
Fair enough.No complaints.
Who could argue if it's made clear?

But then I thought this was all about being away from the family?Too much football?Not enough football?Being subbed?Retirement?Lack of respect?Away from Argentina?Training too hard?Poor tactics?

It' all about one thing dressed up as any of the above-MONEY.

The grubby little puppetmaster wants a bit more,and he's trying to push a deal elsewhere.
He's hatched a shitty plan to blame Cook (who I'm no fan of btw) because he knows that most of football have Cook down as a muppet.He thinks that Tevez will get the sympathy vote as soon as Cook's name is thrown into the ring.


Menawhile,the dumb little slave goes along with any old bollocks in order to get a move,no matter what the consequences to the club and the fans who have paid him so handsomely and bent over backwards to accomodate his every whim and need.

These two are an utter disgrace,and for the good of MCFC and football in general they must be shown that with their shoddy tactics,this time they have started a war of attrition they simply won't win.


The strange thing is - this affair has actually galvanized my support for Mancini. He has behaved impeccably throughout. Whereas I was definitely unsure about the manager before this - im now behind him %100.

Get rid of Tevez ASAP.
There are definite signs that the team is better and happier without him anyway.

Get Dzeko in and Tevez will be quickly forgotten. (though not forgiven).

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