Kicked out for swearing!

Its ridiculous could understand them havin a word if someone was being over the top in say the family stand but that's just stupid, it's ok we got told by a steward today not to talk to the Wigan fans at which point I just started laughing,like anyone would want to anyway lol
Where did this happen? Noticed this season the stewards are moaning at anyone who swears where we sit in the east stand
Can you tell us what it was he said? And in what part of the ground?
it could be that he has been abusive before and someone put a complaint in and the club has placed ''spotters'' nearby to see what is going on..... so they could have watched him for a game or more.....
Agree he should have received a warning, but again that could depend on the severity of the language used.
Not saying I agree with this process, just saying it could have been this way.
Bojinov The Bull said:
moz said:
falling out of love with our club :(
<br style="text-shadow: none; "><br style="text-shadow: none; ">I know what you mean, i've really noticed in the last 2 seasons that they are pandering to familys and kids too much! I'm only 23 but when I was younger I remember sitting in the north stand with my dad at maine road surrounded by what seemed like massive guys and having to stand on my seat every 2 mins to see anything at all on the pitch, it was a little scary the first couple of times but then I loved it, the atmosphere, everything!<br style="text-shadow: none; "><br style="text-shadow: none; ">Now it seems kids have to go with their mum and dad, get their face painted, sit in a stand with no swearing and no noise whatsoever and be entertained by getting t-shirts shot at them.<br style="text-shadow: none; "><br style="text-shadow: none; ">Not good at all!

Yes, let's have all the kids in Manchester supporting United instead.

Whinge whinge whinge.

As for "falling out of love with the club" - just hilarious.
In the 1nd year of COMs my son was thrown out for swearing(I was on holiday at the time)somebody had reported him for swearing at a previous match so the club desinated a steward to watch him at the next game which was against spurs and as soon as he started to swear because there had been a bad tackle he was frogmarched out of the ground by 3 stewards who then took his season ticket of him and he was given a 3 match ban, i then had to ring up the club and speak to Fletcher who sounded as though he enjoyed the part of "Being in charge" we got it sorted then ended up moving seats the following season.
I'm not in the least bit surprised when we have fans that think aeroplane arms should lead to a jail sentence
I'm not supporting mocking the dead, but it is the thin end of the wedge leading to throwing people out for being 'lively'
To the moral majority: you get what you wish for!
Then when all of our freedoms have been eroded what will be left?
The sanitised shit atmosphere of johnny come lately and his old trafford crowd
Phill said:
Can you tell us what it was he said? And in what part of the ground?
it could be that he has been abusive before and someone put a complaint in and the club has placed ''spotters'' nearby to see what is going on..... so they could have watched him for a game or more.....
Agree he should have received a warning, but again that could depend on the severity of the language used.
Not saying I agree with this process, just saying it could have been this way.

Not sure at the minute i have been speaking with his son on fb and am getting bits of info.
He is really pissed off.
I dont know about you lot but for me its all part of the football experiance.
I remember my old man telling me aged about 11 that i could join in with the songs with swearing in as long as i didnt tell my mum or repeat it outside the ground. haha
Uwes Grandad said:
No warnings? Not asked to calm down first and warned about behaviour?

Not that i am aware of, He said somebody has been undercover watching him.

this undercover shit is well out of order they have under covers in the bogs watching smoking and now sat in seats chucking people out.

this is showsec making more money and giving city ideas.

Some idiots were kicking off just before half time and in 102 calling each other cunts and trying to grab each other nothing happened to them just names were took.
What would these stewards do with some of the players? Would they march on the pitch when, say, Micah comes out with a bit of invective after a hefty challenge, or on today's showing, somewhat vice versa, and escort him out of the ground, still in full kit and then Fletcher would inform Mancini that Micah is banned for three games?

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