Kicked out for swearing!

Seems the club want their cake and eat it, they want atmosphere, singing etc at the ground then start chucking people out for this, bloody ridiculous, will be interesting to see if the facists are out on inflatable day if the big cock with Fergies face makes an appearance.
salfordpaul said:
i have watched city since 1977 they are my passion. my love and my life!

I have always swore at football games ( nothing racist or too bad!) That is part of the passion, I sing at games and hopefully add to the atmosphere. I have been to Plough lane and most away games we have ever been involved in! I have been abroad more times than my mrs has had facials watching city.

I am writing this post directly to city management reading this site!

Do not lose the fan that has followed city over the last 30 years. lads that have paid up vast amounts of their wages following city to watch utter crap, players who were paid vast amounts to wear the sacred sky blue shirt. fans who took it all in their stride and folowed the religion that is man city!

Over a year i watch many games in corporate hospitality, many in the stands, i am a good source of income to you! My daughter,nephews and neices get plenty of swagger from the club shop.

Please get rid of Mr Fletcher! as a policeman of 30 years surely he sees people as guilty before charged! he will see his way! he is not to my knowledge a football fan and doesn't understand the thing about being a footie fan. About spending half your wages paying for a trip to Grocklyn in poland. etc etc

Your current fanbase are well known as the most loyal in the on this, not the type that have been attracted to old trafford and have made the place a morgue ( liverpool also)

i agree 100% good post.
I was stopped from going to my seat todat because some eagle eyed steward spotted that i had a half bottle of water in my pocket, as i explained it was plastic & i didnt want to put in a cup because i wanted to drink it later, i was informed i couldnt go to my seat then. Well done city because the kiev game that i was going to finish work early for to get to now i`m not going to bother , stick your health and safety bollocks & if i`m told again i cant have a drink of water in a plastic bottle in my seat i`ll cancel my season ticket after 30years. Well done city you`ll be playing to an empty stadium pretty soon.
ballinio said:
I was stopped from going to my seat todat because some eagle eyed steward spotted that i had a half bottle of water in my pocket, as i explained it was plastic & i didnt want to put in a cup because i wanted to drink it later, i was informed i couldnt go to my seat then. Well done city because the kiev game that i was going to finish work early for to get to now i`m not going to bother , stick your health and safety bollocks & if i`m told again i cant have a drink of water in a plastic bottle in my seat i`ll cancel my season ticket after 30years. Well done city you`ll be playing to an empty stadium pretty soon.

I would hope they will soon learn.

Frankly, I find it absolutely pathetic that someone could be chucked out of a football ground for swearing.

It's a good thing in some ways that the club has progressed such a long way from Maine Road, but a bad thing in numerous others.
I swore a lot today at the game (referee) and upon reading this I'll get ever so slightly get worried, I view a football game as a place where I can be as passionate as I want in any way I like. Unfortunately, PC support appears to be the way it's turning with the experiences other fans are having.
BlueMooney said:
Just out of interest, how is swearing (or not, in this case) PC...?

Not PC sorry, wrong phrase to use for it completely. Swearing isn't something a football club should indorse, but it shouldn't punish someone for it either imo. If you don't want your kids to hear such foul language, don't send them to school, as a lad of 15 I know how much swearing goes on and how early an age it begins.
A mate of mine had this 2 weeks ago was made to write a grovling letter to get his season ticket back.Joke namby pamby stewards,the clubs gone mad!

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