Kiev post match reaction thread - PLEASE keep it in here.

First off Mancini must take some of the blame. Why the fuck start the game with the top goalscorer sitting on the bench? As soon as Tevez came on we had more chances.
Dzeko early days but he offered fuck all tonight didnt get into the game and was a waste of space tonight.
Yaya the biggest pussy I have seen in a blue shirt tackle you big waste of space put the foot in. Yes going forward he can be usefull but put the fucking foot in.

Hart ooh a mixed bag tonight if your coming for the ball you have to make and for the first goal he didnt get near it at all.

Silva the first time I have ever looked at Silva tonight were his passing was fucking all over the place and he wasted our best chance of the match.

This game was there for the taking we had enough ball in the first half but didnt take any chances.

The second leg we need a early goal but I think Kiev may well score against us so it has the makings of a nail bitter.
Man City have how many shots? Sasha had to make about 3 serious saves all night. I know Hart may have made less but we score twice - I agree I don't think Man City looked particularly bothered tonight.

Next week will be very tough for DK but I believe if we play like tonight we may just go through.

Good luck!
Ash said:
Sabster said:
I thought we played reasonably well - we were just extremely unlucky
we defended their goals a bit shit but we did nothing at all going forward.

7 shots on target and more possession says otherwise.
Re: Another f*****g Hamburg situation!

Citizen52 said:

We are going to have to be very careful in the second leg not to be too gung ho. Based on tonight if we are too offensive we will ship an away goal or two because they are good on the break.

Don't know what it is about us away from home at times but we just don't look threatening enough, or there's something missing.

Fortunately, we are a lot more threatening at home and I still believe we can do it. Hopefully this will actually boost the attendance - we can make the second leg a great night.

Fookin ell based on tonite if we are too offensive we will ship a goal!!!!!!!! - dont know about u but i saw once again tonite a team that has no fookin pace - dont support the front man - slow moving the ball from back to front - no passion or grit or fookin determination - we were wank - its appaling what the fook is going on - we are 2 goals down and we need to go for it because Kiev will sit behined the ball and if we play our usual fookin shit sideways football we wont get anywhere.

To be honest give me as much shit as anybody wants but why the fook i am expected to fork out hard work cash to watch that shite is sadly deluded. Some of thr highlights tonite

1. Our best player on the bench
2. No DJ why?
3. Ballo - shambolic
4. Too sloe (but we know that)
5. Dzeko aint working and by trying to accomodate him Tevez our best players is shunted back towards midfield
6. No pace in the team - every signing Mancini (the tactical genius) makes seems to be slower than the players he is replacing
7. Another City fookin hard luck story - dare i say it typical City
8. Mancini spunks 20 plus million on a fookin kid who looks utterely disinterested and our best player last season whom has some pace is fooked off to Cardiff

Re: Mancini out

Marvin said:
bugsyblue said:
I just feel sorry for the fans that went. We didnt play with any pace or conviction until an hour had passed- why!

And balotelli please just fuck off- you're not even that gifted. Oh and to the first person that says he's only 20- blah blah blah, well I could fucking run at 3! Seriously if you want anything then you need to work hard. Messi, ronaldo, tevez all work their socks off. We played with 10 until tevez came on.
Balotelli is a really easy target. What did Tevez do?

I thought it was a reasonable performance, certainly not deserving of a 2-0 defeat, but that's football.

If you have to pick on individual performances, the look at Kolarov. No better than Bridge, and one-paced with one trick. Aggression isn't good enough at this level.

Wasn't Silva's night tonight. He's the player that makes us tick, and it was very hard to pick the ball, dribble and run.

That's the problem...Ballotelli is an easy target for oppo defenders. because he doesnt work to get into spaces that someone with graft, like Tevez, does.
Chippy_boy said:
I have from the beginning been supportive of Mancini. I have not thought he's got everything right, but I have thought he was on the right track and that ultimately he would win things for us.

My confidence has dipped since January, and now for the first time, I have to say it's not going to work. I think he knows it too. His body language is not so much "Come on City"' more "What the fuck am I doing here". You can see it in his face.

I'm afraid to say I think we will get dumped out of the UEFA cup, we'll fool up in the FA Cup, and we will finish 5th in the league. And Mancini will be gone by July.

No, this isn't a knee jerk reaction to tonight's game. We just aren't showing the improvement we all hoped for. The "gelling" we were all told would take time, is not happening. Basically, we are still pretty rubbish. After all the money spent, that is just not good enough. <sigh>

If its true that Inter are after Luka Modric then I think we need to make a serious bid, our midfield constantly playing centre line tennis with the defence needs a big shake up.

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