Kolarov played out of his skin tonight

nevilletogoater-in said:
Marvin said:
pudge said:
The problem is the majority of them are shanked
Utter rubbish. The occasional one is. And that's because he hits many first time on the run and whips them in.

He is the best crosser of the ball at the club, and the only players to rival his crossing ability in the Premiership are Bale and Young

That is complete and utter bollocks. I'm sorry but you must either live on a different planet or clearly watch a different player

There is an easy way to answer your ignorance. Go on City's site, go on the match update or whatever it's called, it obviously keeps people up to date that are not watching the game. I looked for all of 2 seconds and Kolarov completed two crosses in the final 5 minutes, a time when the most pressure was on.

I suggest you look at stats of other players in his position. Completed crosses are few and far between in the Premiership. Kolarov found his man in the box no few than 5 times in one half. That no matter what you think is excellent. I mentioned Baines as he is held up as an example of a Full Back with an eye for goals, set pieces and assists. This season despite playing many more games he is really no better than Kolarov. In fact, name another full back that does contribute more than Kolarov. Be honest with yourself, if we have a free kick to the Keepers left, who would you want to take it?

D Beckham is possibly the most revered set piece taker ever, how many assists and goals do you think he got per season? I think you'll find he scored about 5 free kicks a season. What do you expect when he steps up? A goal every time?
I should be at school? Have you not just typed 'coz'? I'm thinking you are about 12, your posts would certainly suggest you are.
I have done a little research, and Baines who also takes corners free kicks and is considered about the best attacking full back has started 29 games, scored 3 and had 6 assists, Kolarov having started just 8 games has scored once and had 4 assists add to that European and Cup goals he is ahead of Baines. Just to give you an idea of how often goals are scored direct from dead balls, D Beckham only created 43 goals in his entire career from dead balls.

Having read your posts, Kolarov should be doing this each season.
If Kolarov isn't the best crosser, please enlighten us all as to who is...
If he's so bad at defending explain why we have such a good defence...
PS Adam Johnson is not an attacking substitution, playing the game with 10 men is not attacking.
I'll await to hear you bellow get it forward and shoooooooooooooot on your next visit to a game.
nevilletogoater-in said:
Marvin said:
nevilletogoater-in said:
That is complete and utter bollocks. I'm sorry but you must either live on a different planet or clearly watch a different player
Or you don't know what you're talking about. He puts in some magnificent crosses which are impossible to defend against, and has already created some great goals

QPR away - Toure header
Recent home game, Dzeko header
last night at 3-2 he put a ball on to Dzeko's head that went just wide
And oif course there are his free-kicks

It was his runs and shooting that made his name in Italy. But for me the best aspect of his game is his crossing and ability to strike a ball

if you don't see that, you might as well give up on football

I'm sorry but for the amount of games he's played for us and you can only pick out 2 examples where we've scored from a direct result of a great cross from Kolorov further cements my arguement that he is by no means 'one of the best crossers of a ball in the league only behind Bale and Young' and in fact he's very very average at best.

Pudge's ratio of 1 in 7 crosses that actually finds a City shirt or a dangerous area is quite accurate

Once again you sum up your understanding of football. Wayne Bridge NEVER completed a cross at City and he was an England international. What do you think the average is for a full back? I assure you it's a lot less than 1 in 7.
Without research I could offer up Liverpool away in the CC.
He created 3 goal scoring opportunities in the final 5 minutes last night alone, on another day that could have been 3 more to his tally.
If you don't think he was dangerous last night, you are simply an idiot. Oh and obviously know a lot more than the payers, as they seemed very confident in him in the last 15 minutes. I'm guessing you've never won a World Cup or Champions League?
To keep blaming him for the defeat is pretty sad really, and certainly blinkered and childish. 3 players made mistakes for the Sorting goals, I haven't heard you point the finger at Hart or Balotelli yet. Or Silva or Savic for isolating Kolarov so badly.
nevilletogoater-in said:
schfc6 said:
nevilletogoater-in said:
There's so much shite to filter through in those posts that frankly I can't be arsed responding to all of it so I'll answer some of the main points.

Maybe he's not the worst left back we've ever had, that was a tad OTT on my part so I apologise but it doesn't distract away from the fact that he's still nowhere near the required standard.

Out of the 4 full backs that have been mentioned, I would have any of them in our squad over him anyday and it just so happens that 2 of the 4 you mentioned are regarded as possibly the best in the world when at their peak (Evra & Cole).

I go to every home game, league and cup so I've seen first hand just how many times he shoots with so much power and not much accuracy (he tried it last night in the dying minutes which fortunately took a slight deflection and we got a corner), or how many times his set pieces or corners don't get past the first defender and yet on the rare occasions it does find his intended target (usually some space in front of the goal and not an individual) he's wanked over.

I slag Mancini off when he makes tactical decisions that I don't agree with like last night. I agreed with taking Johnson off and putting De Jong on but then why wait 10 mins before bringing Dzeko on for Pizarro who had been dreadful all night. Also against Swansea, he waited until they scored in the 83rd minute before making a positive substitution by which time there's very little time left for any player to make any sort of impact on the game.

Kolorov was run ragged last night up until Sporting scored their second goal and then they sat back as they knew that the damage had been done. This in turn allowed him to push forward along with the rest of the team in the second half but I think this was down to the manager realising his fuck up in the first half rather than Kolorovs desire to grab the game by the scruff of the neck.

Just because most of his mistakes go unpunished doesn't mean to say that he does not make loads.

If Kolorov was a horse, he would have been put down by now.

If anything proves you know very little about football what I have highlighted does. Aguero replaced Barry in the first half, do you not consider this attacking?
You do seem clueless.

I do agree, we should have had Kolarov on for Clichy as we needed a goal.

I know that Aguero came on for Barry but apparently that substitution was forced on him cos Barry got injured so going off what Mancini has said, he didn't make a positive tactical substitution until the 83rd min.

How many goals did we score courtesy of Kolorov last night? Fucking none!! How many did we concede as a direct result of him fucking up? One.

That simple fact says it all.

To say that I know nothing about football is a bit of a poor retort when out of my whole point the only thing you picked up on was one sentence about Aguero coming on for Barry. You must be fucking incredible on Football Manager. Should you not be at school today?

-- Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:47 pm --

cccc said:
There's so much shite to filter through in those posts that frankly I can't be arsed responding to all of it so I'll answer some of the main points.

Maybe he's not the worst left back we've ever had, that was a tad OTT on my part so I apologise but it doesn't distract away from the fact that he's still nowhere near the required standard.

Out of the 4 full backs that have been mentioned, I would have any of them in our squad over him anyday and it just so happens that 2 of the 4 you mentioned are regarded as possibly the best in the world when at their peak (Evra & Cole).

I go to every home game, league and cup so I've seen first hand just how many times he shoots with so much power and not much accuracy (he tried it last night in the dying minutes which fortunately took a slight deflection and we got a corner), or how many times his set pieces or corners don't get past the first defender and yet on the rare occasions it does find his intended target (usually some space in front of the goal and not an individual) he's wanked over.

I slag Mancini off when he makes tactical decisions that I don't agree with like last night. I agreed with taking Johnson off and putting De Jong on but then why wait 10 mins before bringing Dzeko on for Pizarro who had been dreadful all night. Also against Swansea, he waited until they scored in the 83rd minute before making a positive substitution by which time there's very little time left for any player to make any sort of impact on the game.

Kolorov was run ragged last night up until Sporting scored their second goal and then they sat back as they knew that the damage had been done. This in turn allowed him to push forward along with the rest of the team in the second half but I think this was down to the manager realising his fuck up in the first half rather than Kolorovs desire to grab the game by the scruff of the neck.

Just because most of his mistakes go unpunished doesn't mean to say that he does not make loads.

If Kolorov was a horse, he would have been put down by now.

This seems a really pathetic attempt at undermining his effectiveness from crosses.

You can say that Kolarov isn't great defensively, because he isn't - but at the club he has the best delivery from dead ball or first time crosses. Not sure how that can be disputed.

No matter what the guy does he will be vilified, but I am surprised because for a guy who gives so much on the pitch he should have more fans on his side. he's not the only player at Man. City making mistakes either.

He's not the best crosser of a ball though, again how many times does he fail to get it past the first defender? Too many to count. As for the first time crosses, yeah he's good at them, when there's absolutely zero pressure on him from an opposing player. Fuck me

Send him back to Italy :-)
What do people expect...every cross to land on someone's head? LOL.

His first time crosses aren't that great, but if you slip Kolarov a through ball and he can get behind the defensive line (as Mancini instructed later in the match) his crosses are infinitely more dangerous.
is kolarov a full back or left sided midfield,if he is afullback he lacks pace and cannot get back quick enough,god knows what bibaeo would have done to us with kolarov and savic in the back four,the pair are no more than championship defenders at best.if you say that kolarov is a midfielder hes very usefull due to his crosses and freekicks.
Marvin said:
pudge said:
Marvin said:
Those were off the cuff thoughts. Downing is regarded as one of the best English crossers he has no assists. And you can only have an assist if you have a goal scorer on the end of the cross. City have been playing Balotelli and Aguero regularly who are nowhere near as good target men as Dzeko.

I find it incredible that you refuse to accept that Kolarov can cross the ball with great power, pace and precision. They don't always lead to goals, but they are very very dangerous. I think I am right in saying that City have the best record in English football for scoring from corners and who takes the majority of our corners?
Silva, Nasri, Milner, AJ have taken a considerable amount of corners
OK, when Kolarov plays he takes the majority of our crosses and set-pieces. Why does Kolarov take a lot of our free-kicks when we have players like Mario, Silva, Nasri, Milner, Yaya on the pitch? Because the manager and players recognise his ability on the ball. A few of you don't. Why is that?
When did i fail to recognise his ability on the ball?
I know him in midfield last year at OT was a complete disaster, but maybe we should try him again in that role; his crosses, pace on ball, and set pieces give opposing teams absolute fits, but we can't (and seems Mancini doesn't) trust him for the big games playing as a defender.

There's no way he'd do worse on the wing than AJ, in current forms.
defending was poor for the second goal
made a mistake misjudged the ball took a risk
a defender can have his best game ever
one mistake and that same game could be his worse
Jumanji said:
What do people expect...every cross to land on someone's head? LOL.

His first time crosses aren't that great, but if you slip Kolarov a through ball and he can get behind the defensive line (as Mancini instructed later in the match) his crosses are infinitely more dangerous.
No, but just because he knocks one good cross in every 6/7 attempts doesn't mean "he played out of his skin" or ultimately makes him a great crosser.

Also, for the guy who said "Wayne Bridge NEVER completed a cross for City"?

I know he's not the greatest but come on!

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