Kyle Walker newspaper story

The team were given 2 days off. First time in weeks without a mid week game.
Not excusing his behaviour at all, but fitness wise it won't affect him in anyway. A rough Monday morning and be perfect by Tuesday

I disagree,there is no place for alcohol (especially excess) in a professional athletes diet.It displays a lack of discipline and gives others an advantage.

Elite football is a short career with incredible benefits,nothing should derail from that.

If you want to take shortcuts or be the clown.....then there are other clubs/lower leagues you can exist.

At nearly 33,he should be meticulous with his diet and his training.The bloke is a fool.
they arrive as a party fumbling with each other on the way in, fumbling with each other while they were in there and it’s not a huge mental leap to imagine them fumbling with each other back to the minibus

There is no suggestion that he was running around the place trying to shag anything that moves

This is between KW and his missus

Oh and the fact that his data protection has been massively breached here. Imagine if you had got dumped in the shit by some random with a tape of you when you’d done nothing illegal

I doubt the CCTV Acceptable Use Policy of the boozer has a “selling footage to the media” section
I got jumped in a bar and couldn’t even see the cctv myself until I filed a police report
just laughing 250 not that much these days really i dont drink much these day's but paid a just short of a tenner for 2 pints on saturday night shocked i tell yer lol

Yeah I'm too cheap to go out for drinks. Not chance I'm spending that much money to get a bit tipsy. More of a stay at home and work my way through whatever I was given at Christmas kind of guy.
Meh, not the best look from a club employee although everyone was more that likely consenting but, the words used by The Sun make me laugh.

They're such a bastion of moral standards we're so lucky to have them to tell us what's what and even managed to get his wages in the article.

Just waiting for the Daily Fail to do a follow up telling us how much his house is worth.

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