Kyle Walker newspaper story

Walker's clearly a bit of an idiot off the pitch, that's been obvious for a while now. I made my peace with the fact that a lot of footballers are dickheads a long time ago. As long as it's not criminal or affecting their performances on the pitch then it's their business. I'm sure he'll get in enough trouble with his partner, and maybe the club too, as it is. Talk of getting rid of him for this is ridiculous though.
Isn't indecent exposure criminal?
What a fucking dumbass. Not only could Kyle be getting a knock on the door from the old bill, but we really dont need this shit at the moment. He was on TV last week talking about being a club captain and the responsibility that comes with it and he goes out and puts himself and the club under more negative spotlight. Grealish pelters left right and centre on here for going to new york and eating a pizza, walker needs to get his head out of his arse.
Though we can't control what players do off the pitch it's beyond frustrating cause this will impact the team in that he's gonna be certainly having personal Strife which we've seen in the past has affected his performances.

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