Kyle Walker newspaper story

As always, looks like The Sun most likely making much more of this than it necessarily was. Disgrace of a paper and I long for the day it no longer exists.

With that said, stories like this still get to me.

I want to be able to fully cheer for our lads and believe that they're mostly a decent bunch. We've had our share of bad apples like any club, but I've maintained the (admittedly naive) belief that City tend to have a bit of a "good character" clause when looking for people to add to the team and we've had quite a few players who actually do seem like committed professionals and decent enough guys (as decent as you can be when you're paid ludicrous amounts and exposed to all sorts of madness). I feel like Vinny is one the best examples, but there are plenty more.

Then I see a story like this and it just makes me sigh. Of course it's not that serious, and plenty of people get a bit daft after some booze, but the guy's married, in his 30s, with kids, and like it or not he's also a role model to a certain degree.

It's not the first time he's come across as a nobhead and it probably won't be the last. Doesn't change the impact he's had for us on the pitch in any way, and I absolutely wouldn't say anything like "get him out the club!" It just makes me less enthused to root for the guy as much as I have in the past when I know that in any other walk of life I'd just look at him as a total prat.

Also a bit saddening to know that there will probably be daft songs about this at the Etihad now. And, knowing a couple of people who have been hurt by flashing and indecent behaviour in the past, I know that kind of "banter" might seem like a laugh but can be quite nasty for some people and also makes the ground a less pleasant place to be with children.
Exposing and groping doesn't look good. I only hope for his sake that it was consensual.He could get into trouble here if the girl decides to go public with her view of the situation.

The look to be all loaded and there is always someone who has to take it too far…enter Walker!

I know we are discussing it here but it’s not a club problem. Pep can’t watch them 24/7. I guarantee you the press have a shit ton of evidence like this for a lot of players that does not see the light of day due to pay off and a gaging order. Anything to try and portray the club in a negative light is published.
He has a wife and kids and home and he's at that shit, What an idiot. Hope he's happy now his kids going off to school getting the piss taking out of them.

On the football side of things, We are at the business end of the season we're we need everyone ready. He should know better he's one of our senior players. Last season he was being a right idiot getting sent off against Leipzig for a kick out.

We don't need this sort of shit.
He's a young multimillionaire, hyper athlete, his missus is probably perfectly fine with him doing what he wants as she's securing her families financial stability for the next 50 years.

The idea that these guys live some kind of normal life that us plebs would understand is fanciful.

Yea he's pissed on a day off, but there's never been any fitness or commitment issues with Walker if a few beers with his mates is how he unwinds fair play to him.

Poor judgement frequenting a place where the staff are shady enough to sell the CCTV but beyond that meh not bothered.

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