Kyle Walker newspaper story

Even if it was only one person and that person was upset about it it is wrong!

Of course. But you don't know if that was the case. What if two people saw it and thought it was funny?

Obviously, he's a moron for risking that and just needlessly creating a new story in the tabloids but I don't think we should be assuming anyone was traumatised that night.

Would you like someone exposing themselves to your mother/sister/wife in a public place with other people around?

I can't speak for any women but why would I "like" someone flashing my mum? That's a bit of a weird kink.

My mum's not a prude. I'm sure, like you, she respects that not everyone wants to see a random blokes dick in public but I can also guarantee she's pissed herself laughing whenever one's popped out.
Flashing to women and harrassing them that way is a bad thing , women dont want it, dont like it and it is wrong
This is kind of the full stop on it.

It shouldn't be understated as "not the classiest thing to do". Don't do it.

A lot of people don't want to admit it but if this was Trent Alexander Arnold or Bruno Fernandes, we'd be having a field day with it. Walker fucked up here.
Off the pitch bellend acts like a bellend....

Pace on the wane, should be focusing on prolonging his career by starting to fully focus on fitness and the technical aspects of his game. Instead the almost 33 year old man is drunkingly flashing his cock in public.

Grow up lad.
Ask the women in your life how they feel about being flashed and groped, cant see why men think this is funny

Hang on. Having someone ping their dick out and having someone physically assault you are not the same thing.

And, again, not all the women in my life react the same way you do. It was literally the first thing I told my missus when she woke up this morning and she was pissing herself laughing. Her favourite football clip of all time is probably the one of the Newcastle fan helicoptering his cock in celebration.

There's context there. If it's not direct sexual behaviour then I personally don't see an issue. Other than that, it's a very silly bit of flesh. Same thing with tits. They're not inherently sexual objects and I'm sure you can appreciate why seeing them that way would be problematic.

So, once again, it's a stupid, stupid thing for him to do. I just don't think it makes him Josef fucking Fritzl.

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