Kyle Walker newspaper story

How many people is that?
Even if it was only one person and that person was upset about it it is wrong! Some people can accept that sort of thing, others can't and it upsets them.
Would you like someone exposing themselves to your mother/sister/wife in a public place with other people around?
As I've already said I'm not that bothered, I was brought up in the age when you knew which men to avoid as a teenager working in an office. When not to go near a storeroom or the photocopier room etc. so although I don't like it I don't get traumatised by it. Some people however do get traumatised. So in my humble opinion it is wrong.
Yep if they film the CCTV video or any other data on their phone, rather than sending the original, then its very hard to find or prove a chain of evidence, especially once they delete it. That’s what happened in that case
This is only news because it involves a famous footballer. He was on a night out with friends, pissed & flashed to the females he was with. Not the classiest of things to do, but it's hardly the crime of the century.

It seems there were no witness complaints about the flashing, so I presume we'd be none the wiser if not for an opportunist spotting it on CCTV & selling the footage to "The Scum" newspaper for money! If they were that arsed about Walker's conduct, they'd have handed it to the police.

This smacks of those people who'll film a petty crime in progress to upload to their Facebook page, instead of stepping in to assist or contacting the authorities.

We shouldn't even be giving this nonsense the oxygen to breathe... \0/
I don t know if it happened. I do know Newspapers talk 50% bs. And I know they have the power to absolutely change the narrative of absolutely anything they want. And I know they hate City, and I know they lie about City.

If the police take action then I will sit up and take notice, but certainly not off the back of any hack.
The CCTV footage tends to suggest that it did happen. Will the media embellish the incident, making Walker out to be some sort of depraved monster? Of course they will. That's what the media do. I just can't believe how stupid Walker was. Even if it wasn't CCTV footage, every joker has a camera phone now. It only takes one person seeing £ signs flashing in his mind to go running to the papers. Now Walker doesn't strike me as being overly blessed with brains. But surely, he has advisors/agents to steer him away from situations like this.
I disagree,there is no place for alcohol (especially excess) in a professional athletes diet.It displays a lack of discipline and gives others an advantage.

Elite football is a short career with incredible benefits,nothing should derail from that.

If you want to take shortcuts or be the clown.....then there are other clubs/lower leagues you can exist.

At nearly 33,he should be meticulous with his diet and his training.The bloke is a fool.
Spotted cock !
This is only news because it involves a famous footballer. He was on a night out with friends, pissed & flashed to the females he was with. Not the classiest of things to do, but it's hardly the crime of the century.

It seems there were no witness complaints about the flashing, so I presume we'd be none the wiser if not for an opportunist spotting it on CCTV & selling the footage to "The Scum" newspaper for money! If they were that arsed about Walker's conduct, they'd have handed it to the police.

This smacks of those people who'll film a petty crime in progress to upload to their Facebook page, instead of stepping in to assist or contacting the authorities.

We shouldn't even be giving this nonsense the oxygen to breathe... \0/
Flashing to women and harrassing them that way is a bad thing , women dont want it, dont like it and it is wrong
Should of just gone into the unisex bogs.
Less hassle..... a friend of a friend once told me

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