Kyle Walker

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Walker is done

Wow that is great news! Mobility, athleticism, pace, good going forward and not so bad at defending too. Plus he's got a bit of much-needed attitude and perhaps even has nice hair.

What's not to like you bunch of miseries!
I do Astrophysics too, or I did it last semester. This semester I am studying Physics of the Solar System. I am hoping to study meteorites and pre-solar grains in my final year.
Bloody sponging layabout student.
The Walker transfer for me comes down to value, he's not a player I'd buy at any cost, but if it's south of £30m then it's great business. It's because we know it'll be north of that it's got such mixed views for me. If it gets anywhere near the £50m mark then it's absolutely crazy money. He's a good player mind you.
I've said this before but I'm not his biggest fan. I think he's heavily reliant on his pace (of which he has plenty) and needs to improve positioning and concentration.

I'm willing to give him a chance though and I trust Pep on this.

Also, I've heard that he's very popular in the Spurs' dressing room and is regularly picked as the funniest player by the likes of Dele Alli, Kane, etc.

A big loss to a rival's group is a benefit to ours.
Like this signing tbh , in tandem with Sterling is mouthwatering , be great to see Sterling play in the inside channel more where he's more dangerous, Walker has electric pace and it's going to be great seeing two players attacking at pace on each side , how many times have we seen Sterling or Sane bombing on with no inside player up with them with the pace to match, a strong English element in the team is crucial as far as I'm concerned , Pickford next please.
It's 'astrophysics' - so much for your intellectual pretensions.
tbf i bet thats how it comes up on his computer thing.
Always struck me as a dumb defender, which isnt a good combination with our style of play.

Good going forward, but not a great defender and always capable of a cockup.
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