Labour / Tory Party meltdown Referendum fallout

May is dangerously right wing imo.

Whoever gets the job now will be far to the right of Cameron and probably given the negotiations with the EU to come needs to be.

Its sad that the people who voted leave, expecting more money for the NHS, will be bitterly disappointed by what's to come. It won't be pleasant.
I know you weren't, mate. I think you've made your political outlook sufficiently clear for me not to confuse you for a Tory ;-)

I believe, for all his shortcomings, that Johnson would be a relatively liberal and socially inclusive PM.

Well you might be surprised, I have a lot of time for Cameron and would have rather voted Tory than Labour in it's current guise.
The current Tory leadership of Cameron and Osborne is very much to the left of the party. They're centre-right. The people who replace them will be hard right.
Boris Johnson is just about the furthest left in the current cabinet - as can be seen if you look at his performance as London Mayor. But as a BR exiter He will be trusted by the right of the party.
Perhaps if he gets the chop Corbyn could leave the Labour Party and join Sinn Fein, he'll be among friends and maybe get a safe seat in West Belfast, he's even got the obligatory beard, perfect for him.
Well you might be surprised, I have a lot of time for Cameron and would have rather voted Tory than Labour in it's current guise.
I too don't mind Cameron. I think he's head and shoulders above anyone else in the Tory party, but he's made a judgement call which has spectacularly failed, notwithstanding how completely unexpected it was. No matter how skilled a politician is, they are only ever one bad call from tarnishing their legacy, as he's done. The repercussions for this vote will echo for a generation and I fear that social cohesion will further fracture in the years ahead. This issue will be a running sore for the peoples of this nation for the foreseeable, which has been caused, or at the very least hugely accentuated, by this referendum.

The United Kingdom, or what remains of it, will be a nation ill at ease with itself for the next decade and beyond. Anyone who cannot see this, is hopelessly deluded.
Actually, Boris is just about the furthest left in the current cabinet - as can be seen if you look at his performance as London Mayor.
Boris is a spent force he has served his purpise and he will never be elected pm too many Tories will blame him for every woe that besets us. Loyalty is seen as a big part of getting on in the tory party and Boris will be remembered as the disloyal tory who broke up the uk and Europe
Best hope is a genuine one nation tory
May will be too severe if she ever gains power and she will find a prominant role for IDS to apease the outers
Actually, Boris is just about the furthest left in the current cabinet - as can be seen if you look at his performance as London Mayor.

Boris is a strange character. I honestly feel he secretly backed Remain and thought Remain would win but positioned himself with Leave to stand him in good stead with the Tory grassroots further down the road . I very much doubt he'll be the next PM since he's seen as the man who (unwittingly!) plunged the dagger. Somebody like May will be put up against him.

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