But being a Blairite does mean being a Tory does it not ? :)
Not that far from the truth. The closer you get to the centre, the more the lines are blurred.
But being a Blairite does mean being a Tory does it not ? :)
I too don't mind Cameron. I think he's head and shoulders above anyone else in the Tory party, but he's made a judgement call which has spectacularly failed, notwithstanding how completely unexpected it was. No matter how skilled a politician is, they are only ever one bad call from tarnishing their legacy, as he's done. The repercussions for this vote will echo for a generation and I fear that social cohesion will further fracture in the years ahead. This issue will be a running sore for the peoples of this nation for the foreseeable, which has been caused, or at the very least hugely accentuated, by this referendum.
The United Kingdom, or what remains of it, will be a nation ill at ease with itself for the next decade and beyond. Anyone who cannot see this, is hopelessly deluded.
Had a quick peek at my crystal ball earlier and saw the run up to the next election and beyond..
The left dominated Labour party will start a country wide deselection process to purge any anti Corbyn centrists.
Corbyn will win a leadership election and will think he can energise the 18-24 age group who think they've had their future stolen by the elderly. He would have to promise a second referendum or not to activate Article 50 but it won't work because he has an anti-Europe past and won't be believed. Plus, a full-on onslaught from the right-wing media will destroy any credibility he has in the eyes of the wider electorate . The Tories meanwhile will elect a white, privately educated posh person with full nasty party credentials.
Meanwhile, UKIP will hoover up the traditional Labour votes with Farage spouting off about independence and smashing the Westminster elite, and will get a cabinet seat in a right wing Brexit Tory/UKIP coalition government as a reward.
There will be calls for national unity as the great, and under educated, unwashed make it very clear to any non English that they don't belong here - in fact, I expect this to start tomorrow as English mothers at school gates, hurl foul mouthed abuse while advising foreign mothers that they've been voted out and should pack their bags.
No Chance has more chance than Corbyn.
Those who voted leave do not take to kindly to being called racists when their concerns are mainly about their lack of work, poor wages and zero investment in services outside London.
Those who flip flop between parties at elections won't vote for him. Neither will those who want to maintain a nuclear deterrent.
In short a dead duck who has less chance than Foot of winning the election.
Voting on a no confidence thing tomorrow,i hope to god we get rid of him9th member of the Shadow Cabinet gone - Shadow NI minister.
Piss take or pissed up I cannot decide.
Foot should never be compared to Corbyn as Foot was ten times the Politican Corbyn is and that comes from someone who votes right of centre I would never vote for Foot but I was happy to admit he was a true political icon and next to Corbyn an intellectual giant
The only thing they have in common is their dress sense
Foot should never be compared to Corbyn as Foot was ten times the Politican Corbyn is and that comes from someone who votes right of centre I would never vote for Foot but I was happy to admit he was a true political icon and next to Corbyn an intellectual giant
The only thing they have in common is their dress sense
I don't understand how Labour do this stuff. Do the Parliamentary party get to vote 'no confidence' in him and then they have to hold another leadership contest? If so, surely the membership will just voted him in again? Or does he need the support of some MPs to even get to the vote by the membership?Voting on a no confidence thing tomorrow,i hope to god we get rid of him