Labour / Tory Party meltdown Referendum fallout

Actually it's the Corbynites that are the cancer in the Labour party. Due to Ed's rule change it's allowed all the far left activists to join up for £3 and take control which is steering the party's policies in the opposite direction to those which the majority of its traditional support would vote for.
They'll never get it, I'm afraid, those Che Guavara posters continue to resonate.
Lid dems playing a shrewd game and slipping under the radar. Tim Farron ignoring the result and the will of his own constituency and pledging to take us back into the eu if elected. This should make them the party of protest for unhappy remainers and probably part if a coalition govt again.
Actually it's the Corbynites that are the cancer in the Labour party. Due to Ed's rule change it's allowed all the far left activists to join up for £3 and take control which is steering the party's policies in the opposite direction to those which the majority of its traditional support would vote for.

Labour's activists have gone back to the 1980's where they thought that the fact a lot of people hated Thatcher meant they would automatically get elected by default regardless of their policies.
Lid dems playing a shrewd game and slipping under the radar. Tim Farron ignoring the result and the will of his own constituency and pledging to take us back into the eu if elected. This should make them the party of protest for unhappy remainers and probably part if a coalition govt again.
I'd say more deluded than shrewd. I voted remain but I have to accept that 1.2m more people voted leave. A total vote of 17m for leave is 6m more than voted the current government in. That can't be ignored.
I'd say more deluded than shrewd. I voted remain but I have to accept that 1.2m more people voted leave. A total vote of 17m for leave is 6m more than voted the current government in. That can't be ignored.
I'd say more cynical than anything. Farron has spotted a chance to grab power from the carnage that is about to envelop the Tories and labour.
Labour's activists have gone back to the 1980's where they thought that the fact a lot of people hated Thatcher meant they would automatically get elected by default regardless of their policies.
..and it didn't work then in the middle of Thatcher's scorched earth policy in the North of England so it's got no chance now.
Lid dems playing a shrewd game and slipping under the radar. Tim Farron ignoring the result and the will of his own constituency and pledging to take us back into the eu if elected. This should make them the party of protest for unhappy remainers and probably part if a coalition govt again.
Somehow, I doubt it. What he's suggesting is what was mentioned quite a lot by the leave campaign, ie; 'If membership of the EU were on the table now, would you join?'
The answer being, no fucking chance. This cry baby's petulant outburst and sickening rejection of democracy will possibly gain slight traction from the sore losers.
but going back in we certainly ain't.
The problem is, I wish I wasn't, although no Labour voter, they are the only party to offer a credible opposition, with this bloke in charge they have no chance of getting anywhere near the Tories, and strong opposition means better governance all round. The folk you speak of are the ones holding Labour back, they have forever screamed about not being 'Tory Lite' whilst again ignoring the painful truth that that is exactly what they have to be; this country IMO is ever so slightly centre-right, but acknowledges and accepts the centre- left if the others start to go too far. With an intransigent hard left throwback like Corbyn as leader, although it gives great joy to many on the left, it does not result in power, which is the ultimate aim.

I just can't comprehend why they just don't get it?, surely to God they aren't that naive and gullible?. Corbyn is the greatest gift to the Tories out there.
The point I was making. The strange thing is that Labour's activists always ending hating any of their leaders that get elected and become PM.
That's true, for those leaders, particularly Blair, although an odious twat, knew how to win elections, if Corbyn wins one, let alone 3, then my cock's a kipper ;-)

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