Lakey's Blue Tuesday question: Dearly Departed Players...


Well-Known Member
14 Jul 2009
Hi again

Can I first say a big thanks to all of you who have listened and/or commented about the Blue Tuesday radio show. Really appreciate your support. As my colleague Emily has said in previous posts, we're still kind of finding our feet but are really enjoying the experience and hope you all continue to tune in.

Our interactive question for this week's show links in with the speculation that Dunney may be off to pastures new:

Q: Which player were you most gutted to see leave Manchester City and why?

I remember being devastated when Peter Barnes got packed off to West Brom. He was one of my heroes and I think he was as upset as the fans to be leaving Maine Road.

As always, a selection of your posts will be read out live on air. And I'll try my best not to sound like I'm reading a bedtime story, as one of you so kindly pointed out ;)


Q: Which player were you most gutted to see leave Manchester City and why?

Clive Wilson for me, he'd been showing so much skill and flair in a team that was always heading for relegation in 1987 and it was utterly depressing to realise he wouldn't be around the following season.

Keep up the good work, Lakey.
lancs blue said:
Q: Which player were you most gutted to see leave Manchester City and why?

Clive Wilson for me, he'd been showing so much skill and flair in a team that was always heading for relegation in 1987 and it was utterly depressing to realise he wouldn't be around the following season.

Keep up the good work, Lakey.
great shout Lancs,silky clive was a great player and i was gutted when he left.
Kinkladze. I'm 26 so Kinky was the only real spark of magic I saw when growing up.

I drew a huge picture of him in pencil, not a bad picture either, and wanted to get it signed. I wrote in to the club and got a call from Julia McCrindle, the managers secretary. She told me to drop it in to Platt Lane and she'd get it signed. I did just that, and the day after Kinky left for Ajax, Julia called me to say the picture had been signed and I could pick it up.

I picked it up and realised that he must have signed it as he left Platt Lane for the last time. Despite me drawing a little box to say 'please sign in here', he still signed it outside the box! But still, it's one of my most treasured posessions.

P.S. Thanks for reading out my last response on Tuesdays show! :o)
I was gutted when Niall Quinn left after we got relegated in 1996. I always thought he was a top bloke and he was my favourite City player from the early 90's.

Later, at the time when he became chairman of Sunderland I was doubly disappointed as I thought he would've been good for City in that role.
Dave Wagstaffe to Wolves in 1964. I had only been going regularly for the previous two years under George Poyser.
Waggy was my first hero
bluwes said:
Dave Wagstaffe to Wolves in 1964. I had only been going regularly for the previous two years under George Poyser.
Waggy was my first hero

One of mine too---dont know why we sold him. He became a legend in speech impediment land.

My other player would be Ian Bishop.I think Kendal got rid of him because 'bish' would'nt get his haircut[though there were other rumours floating around]-----At the time he was the fans Fav.
I remember feeling mightily pissed off when Garry Flitcroft got sold to Blackburn. One of our best players at that time, yet offloaded to offset our huge overdraft.

I look back at those grim days of financial woe and thank the lord for ADUG...

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