Lance Armstrong Oprah Interview

SWP's back said:
dazdon said:
He's admitted that he has taken drugs and now the Vultures in the media are wanting his blood.

He apologised and now that's not enough.

He'll be hounded to his grave and the sanctimonious clan of hacks will just move onto another target.

Yes LA is a cheating schmuck but his admission has brought out all the hypocrites telling the world they are better than he is.
You really haven't thought this through have you.

Look up what he received from his career of cheating.

Research his vile attitude and willingness to billy, cojole and threaten anyone that got in his way.

Not to mention the years and years of lying.The lying twat.
didactic said:
Guys go back to Balco these guys are all juicing he said that most professional athletes were on something. It gets brushed under the table because sport as we know it would simply die.

What would the effect be on the Premier League do you think?
SWP's back said:
dazdon said:
He's admitted that he has taken drugs and now the Vultures in the media are wanting his blood.

He apologised and now that's not enough.

He'll be hounded to his grave and the sanctimonious clan of hacks will just move onto another target.

Yes LA is a cheating schmuck but his admission has brought out all the hypocrites telling the world they are better than he is.
You really haven't thought this through have you.

Look up what he received from his career of cheating.

Research his vile attitude and willingness to billy, cojole and threaten anyone that got in his way.

He's got a lot to answer for that Billy hasn't he ;)

Agree with you 100%
SWP's back said:
dazdon said:
He's admitted that he has taken drugs and now the Vultures in the media are wanting his blood.

He apologised and now that's not enough.

He'll be hounded to his grave and the sanctimonious clan of hacks will just move onto another target.

Yes LA is a cheating schmuck but his admission has brought out all the hypocrites telling the world they are better than he is.
You really haven't thought this through have you.

Look up what he received from his career of cheating.

Research his vile attitude and willingness to billy, cojole and threaten anyone that got in his way.

Not just bully... but actively destroy those who got in his way. His wealth and celebrity were built on lies and cheating. The entire brand is a fraud. He can go on with his private life - but he seems to think that he can come clean and remain a celebrity with some sort of leadership role in sports or fundraising.... As if the world owes him a chance to stay "at the table"of earning special money and being up front for anything at all. If he had any decency, he would find something that truly shows repentance to do, outside of the limelight. Like give away all his winnings and sponsorship money, and go fix bikes for poor kids to ride, and do it away from the media. He's not sorry. He's sorry he got caught. Which is why he didn't admit anything until it was impossible to draw any other conclusion apart from the fact that he had ruthlessly lied and cheated his way through life. Meanwhile he lives in a multi million dollar house in the nicest neighborhood, enjoying all the spoils.
AustinBlue said:
SWP's back said:
dazdon said:
He's admitted that he has taken drugs and now the Vultures in the media are wanting his blood.

He apologised and now that's not enough.

He'll be hounded to his grave and the sanctimonious clan of hacks will just move onto another target.

Yes LA is a cheating schmuck but his admission has brought out all the hypocrites telling the world they are better than he is.
You really haven't thought this through have you.

Look up what he received from his career of cheating.

Research his vile attitude and willingness to billy, cojole and threaten anyone that got in his way.

Not just bully... but actively destroy those who got in his way. His wealth and celebrity were built on lies and cheating. The entire brand is a fraud. He can go on with his private life - but he seems to think that he can come clean and remain a celebrity with some sort of leadership role in sports or fundraising.... As if the world owes him a chance to stay "at the table"of earning special money and being up front for anything at all. If he had any decency, he would find something that truly shows repentance to do, outside of the limelight. Like give away all his winnings and sponsorship money, and go fix bikes for poor kids to ride, and do it away from the media. He's not sorry. He's sorry he got caught. Which is why he didn't admit anything until it was impossible to draw any other conclusion apart from the fact that he had ruthlessly lied and cheated his way through life. Meanwhile he lives in a multi million dollar house in the nicest neighborhood, enjoying all the spoils.

What's the reaction like in Texas pal?
Is there any of the local media supporting him in any way?
I find it hard to come up with comments on this topic as its a dodgy one.

In terms of cycling and everything to do with it (cover up, drugs,00 bullying) he has been an absolute twat of the highest order.

In terms of his cancer work, he's been an inspiration to many and that wont be forgotten, who knows how many lives he has saved and cancer patients have fought to stay alive.

From hero to villain for many.

Certainly isn't the hero I seen him as.

Drugs in sport is one area I absolutely detest. I train in athletics at the moment and knowing the work I put in and the lads I train with, I don't know how other people can do that to other competitors and those around them. I understand that need to win, anyone who has played sport does, but its all about morals I suppose and well at the time Lance clearly didn't have any. If he knew other cyclists were doing it and that was his motivation for doing it, then why not rat them out. That way the field is level, in a way where they're not all on drugs.
TCIB said:
The cookie monster said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
'But everyone else was doing it too'.
Yes,of course they were,you fucking thick twat,because you had the strongest and richest team in the peloton,and bent doctors,race commissars and the UCI in your back pocket,so the rest had to do the same to try and level the playing field.
A despicable human being
The charity was just a front for him the cheating ****
Aparently the biggest bully on the cycling circuit,i hope he gets sued for every fucking penny he has especially off the ones he sued in the past.

Sounds like he deserves a crack in the gob of a few people to, like the wife of his ex mate who he threatened.

And the young physio who's career he ruined.
It's apparent to me from watching the few clips available that he's already forgiven himself.
He comes across as someone without the mearest whiff of empathy about him. He' cunning fucker that's for sure.
The man's definitely psychopath material.

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