Lassana Diarra Vs NDJ

Sabster said:
If NDJ performs like Lassana Diarra did tonight and does regularly, then he would be a one of the best DM in the world but he performs to nowhere near this standard.

How anyone can rate NDJ above Diarra (or Pepe for that matter) is beyond me.

Sabster said:
Rammy Blue said:
Put the crackpipe down, Diarra shouldn't have finished the game.

NDJ is by far the better player.

Quick checklist:

Quicker - Diarra
Stronger - Diarra
Commited - Equal
Ground Covered - Diarra
Athleticism - Diarra
Ability on the ball - Diarra

There is not comparison Diarra is so much better than NDJ it is unbelievable.

How you cant see that is beyond me.
While I agree Diarra is better, I'll contend Nige is stronger!
bluemoon_ade said:
Sabster, how you can't see that de jong is a world class player is beyond everyone. Yes, admittedly diarra is a world class player but he is no better than NDJ. For once start realising what de jong actually does for the team instead of criticising him constantly

Neither are world class. But Diarra is better than NDJ in pratically every way.

What I see from NDJ is a player who is good (not great) at breaking up play BUT who sits extremely deep and slows down our attacks (although I think he is composed on the ball)
We understand you have an agenda against NDJ i dont know why but you do. Us City fans dont just rate De Jong because he puts effort in every game and cares for the club, we rate him because he does his job better than anyone else in the world. We look a completely different team when he isnt in the side as the game against Liverpool confirmed.

You say he is limited yet hes 9 times out of 10 the best player on the pitch and that isnt just city fans saying that its the opposition and the pundits. Maybe in another team he wouldnt have the same effect as he does for us but Diarra falls into that category aswell. He was shite at Arsenal and Chelsea. The only time he stood out was when he played for Pompey. His job tonight was to run around like a headless chicken and break up play. He did it well but not well enough to stop Barca scoring. If you look where the goal came from it came from where he should have been, infront of the defense. Iniesta was in acres of space when playing the ball. He can be brilliant on his day but that isnt often enough and even though he stood out tonight for Real he was still at fault for the goal and should have been sent off.
niall_mcfc said:
How can you be a city fan if all you do is slag players off and say how bad and limited they are? NDJ is the best dm in the world. The job of a dm is to protect the back 4 and link up play to the other midfielders. From what i saw tonight Diarra did what De Jong does every week. Also if he is so good then why is Khedira getting in the team ahead of him? He is a good player but too inconsistent and like another poster said he shouldnt have finished the game after the amount of fouls he commited.
Perhaps Khadira is another one who is better than Nigel. Even thouhg personally I think Lass is way better than Khadira. And for the life of me can't tell why he gets in games ahead of Lass. Perhaps Mo favors height.

Oh by the way, Lass is not inconsistent, has never been. Dont assume that simply coz some coach favore another player over him. In every team he has played, he has been class. Ever since he was 21. The defensive mindset of Makalele, the lungs of Essien and the ball skills of Flamini. He is class underrated!
Sabster it has to be said your talking shit, Nige gets man of the match near enough every game, he goes about his business week in week out brilliantly, there's a reason why Diarra doesn't play week in week out for Real Madrid, and if you think that was a great performance tonight then your deluded he had about 6-7 tackles i thought were yellow cards.
niall_mcfc said:
We understand you have an agenda against NDJ i dont know why but you do. Us City fans dont just rate De Jong because he puts effort in every game and cares for the club, we rate him because he does his job better than anyone else in the world. We look a completely different team when he isnt in the side as the game against Liverpool confirmed.

No I don't. What I have an agenda against is people viewing a good player as one of the best in the world and him being completely free from criticism while others take the stick.

That is what annoys me.
Sabster said:
Dax777 said:
As I was watching the game, I sensed you were going to open this thread :) Lass Diarra is a World Class DM. Defending, positioning, passing, tackling, dribbling, athleticism. He has it all. Class Personified!

At least someone agrees with me...

I love a good DM but from what I see NDJ performs nothing like that.

Feck!! What is wrong with Nige??

Never passes forward, never sets up attacks, never scores...

Oh wait...
Sabster said:
niall_mcfc said:
How can you be a city fan if all you do is slag players off and say how bad and limited they are? NDJ is the best dm in the world. The job of a dm is to protect the back 4 and link up play to the other midfielders. From what i saw tonight Diarra did what De Jong does every week. Also if he is so good then why is Khedira getting in the team ahead of him? He is a good player but too inconsistent and like another poster said he shouldnt have finished the game after the amount of fouls he commited.

Slag our players off - I never ever slag our players off. There has been no slagging whatsoever. I rate Kompany as the best CB in England and I am always sticking up for our strikers.

If De Jong performed like this regularly, I would love him, but the fact is he doesn't. What reason do I have to dislike De Jong?

I understand why he is overrated (he is one of the few city players who actually cares about the club).
This! But why wouldn't folks just say that. Rather than pretending and making up stuff.

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