Last Film You Saw

Watched 30 minutes of Gold.

The screener was ok but Matthew McConaughey is hard to understand on a normal day so a slightly muffled Kodi Screener version really made him and others in the film hard to understand. So I switched it off.

Seemed quite good though. Like a mild version of Wolf of Wall street. I'll def give it a go when I can watch a HD copy.
Same here, watched it last night. The sound was gash at the start but does improve. Enjoyed the film, its based around a true story but fictionalised with a different company and characters. The real fraud was a Canadian company and it seems this actually happened. Well worth a watch, 7/10
Same here, watched it last night. The sound was gash at the start but does improve. Enjoyed the film, its based around a true story but fictionalised with a different company and characters. The real fraud was a Canadian company and it seems this actually happened. Well worth a watch, 7/10
You saved me writing a review
Enjoyed it
I remember the original story
I'll leave it at that, 8/10

I watched The Dallas Buyers Club last week,good film with great acting
Would recommend it,9/10
Watched Trainspotting 2 again to see if i was just missing something last time. Nope, still shit.


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