Latest from Happyblue


Whats the latest with tevez happy? dose Carlos know hes left the rags......
happyblue. said:
What I want to know is who took my username on here?!

Could be a liable claim going in to Ric :P

hi happy blue welcome .
can you back up what has been suggested on here earlier that terry may hand in a transfer request?
Pigeonho said:
Kinkys Blue Socks said:
Pigeonho said:
'You seem like a lost cause to me anyway tbh.'

Oh no, i'm not am i? Arsed.


I am rubber and you are glue and all that is it?

You remind me of that 'Alera' chump I wiped the floor with yesterday.

For god sake, will you two get a room or grow up? please? We don't care about your E-peen measuring contest, If you want to continue measuring take it to the PM's because quite frankly, we don't care.
blueinsa said:
Pigeonho said:
'You seem like a lost cause to me anyway tbh.'

Oh no, i'm not am i? Arsed.

I can gaureentee that if someone posted your personal info up on here you would go off your fucking head.

Please dont forget that if spursmad is to be believed as an ITK and his record suggests that he is and was, then it is pretty obvious that he knows someone extremely high up in football, probably City itself.

His outing could have disastrious effects on not only him but also his source!

Think about it!

The posting of personal info without permission is a big fucking no no!

Yes, I agree, that has been my point. I'm just arsing around with this Kinkys socks kid. I know rock all about IP addresses as to me, computers have an on button, a mouse and a keyboard. Whatever it is though, if it is posted on here without the holders permission, it is exactly the same as what happened yesterday. People seem to be able to accept it when it suits them though, and vilify it when it doesn't, and that pisses me off.
Pigeonho said:
Kinkys Blue Socks said:
Pigeonho said:
'You seem like a lost cause to me anyway tbh.'

Oh no, i'm not am i? Arsed.


I am rubber and you are glue and all that is it?

You remind me of that 'Alera' chump I wiped the floor with yesterday.

I repeat, PMSL.

There will be no wiping the floor with me. You're actually doing a good enough job of wiping the floor with yourself with your ridiculously uptight manner and your over the top PC opinions.

You don't need any help from me. Although Kudos on the alleged floor wiping of another city fan. You must be very proud.
blueinsa said:
Pigeonho said:
'You seem like a lost cause to me anyway tbh.'

Oh no, i'm not am i? Arsed.

I can gaureentee that if someone posted your personal info up on here you would go off your fucking head.

Please dont forget that if spursmad is to be believed as an ITK and his record suggests that he is and was, then it is pretty obvious that he knows someone extremely high up in football, probably City itself.

His outing could have disastrious effects on not only him but also his source!

Think about it!

The posting of personal info without permission is a big fucking no no!

Guy's trust me, if you add all the ITK's up on this board and work out who was right you would be a long way behind even the crappiest of daily newspapers. There are very few people close to the club that will post on internet forums including myself. I am lucky in my job that i get loads of info before it is made public hence my success rate, spursmad knows his stuff but I have a sneaky feeling that even he has got a bit carried away with his ITK status recently. URG speaks loads of sense. Most of the information you want is already out there. the rest is pure speculation. Like I said I want to try and bring a bit or normality back to your board. I have posted this late as I thoght most of the school kids would be in bed. Were all blues at the end of the day but sometimes on here it's like a playground....

The best posts on here over the past few months have benn Neil McNabs tash when he reported how training went, now that is ITK!

As for Ajay.... ;)
stavros said:
happyblue. said:
What I want to know is who took my username on here?!

Could be a liable claim going in to Ric :P

hi happy blue welcome .
can you back up what has been suggested on here earlier that terry may hand in a transfer request?

Spursmad said it this morning, and apparently there was the mother of all rows about it.
HappyBlue, welcome to Bluemoon.

What the wacky guys of Bluemoon have given you is a nice like example of how we operate here in this thread so far.

We all get along great. Noone falls out, we are all polite and considerate. Trusting is a word I would use about our community, too. We're just one big, happy family here - you'll be welcomed with open arms.

But I'm sure you've already gathered that from this thread...

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