Latest: KAKA DEAL OFF (All Kaka Discussion)

Re: Latest on Kaka from Italy:

markbmcfc said:


Ohh Please hurry up!
Re: please put all kaka posts here

19.01 21:31 - According to many television and electronic media, now would be written the word end on Kakà negotiations leading to Manchester City. The protagonists of the affair are still in discussion and there are no official entries, but this time it seems that Ricky is no longer a player of Milan. Followed by updates.
Re: please put all kaka posts here


Second much average television and telemati to us, by now would be written the word fine on the negotiation that Kakà door to the Manchester City. The protagonists of the matter are still in reunion and not there are official voices, but this time she seems just that Ricky is not more a player of the Milan. They follow modernizations
Re: please put all kaka posts here

bablefish did a bad job of translating it but the gist is a yes!

19.01 21:31 - Secondo molti media televisivi e telematici, sarebbe ormai scritta la parola fine sulla trattativa che porta Kakà al Manchester City. I protagonisti della faccenda sono ancora in riunione e non ci sono voci ufficiali, ma questa volta pare proprio che Ricky non sia più un giocatore del Milan. Seguono aggiornamenti.

19,01 21:31 - Second much average television and telemati to us, by now would be written the word fine on the negotiation that Kakà door to the Manchester City. The protagonists of the matter are still in reunion and not there are official voices, but this time she seems just that Ricky is not more a player of the Milan. They follow modernizations.
Re: please put all kaka posts here

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... =1&f=1&i=5</a>
Re: please put all kaka posts here

tommcfc said:
According to a lot middle television and data transmission, now the fine word on the negotiation that carries Kakà to the Manchester City would be written. The protagonists of the matter I am still in meeting and there is not official shouting, but this time seems actual that Ricky does not be more a gambler of the Milan. They follow updatings.

in english

this is what it says!!!
Re: kaka clutching Milan shirt

stony said:
niall_mcfc said:
why bother with these threads why cant people just wait until the deal is off or the deal is done
Yes” why bother with these pointless threads regarding one of the most talented footballers on the planet, its not like thousands of city fans are after any information no matter how insignificant, so they can decide for them selves if it was worth knowing or not, lets shut all the threads stop debate and wait until we get a decision either way. that’s a really good idea maybe we could have a vote ?

or maybe you could have looked two threads down and seen there was already a 7 page thread on it. But like a big fucking kid running to show his mum what he's made at school, you couldn't fucking wait to post it. Ric has already said that the problem with the site crashing is due to pricks like you, who re post threads.
Tit,Prick fcuk me your scaring me,you sound so hard how old are you 14 ?
Re: Latest on Kaka from Italy:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Secondo indiscrezioni raccolte da TuttoMercatoWeb sarebbe giunta ad un punto di svolta la trattativa che porterà Kakà al Manchester City: il fuoriclasse brasiliano avrebbe accettato le lusinghe del club inglese, trovando l'accordo con i Citizens.

According to indiscretions gathered by TuttoMercatoWeb would come to a turning point in the negotiations leading Kakà to Manchester City, the outstanding Brazilian had accepted the lure of the English club, finding the agreement with the Citizens

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