Latest: KAKA DEAL OFF (All Kaka Discussion)

Re: kaka clutching Milan shirt

stony said:
niall_mcfc said:
why bother with these threads why cant people just wait until the deal is off or the deal is done
Yes” why bother with these pointless threads regarding one of the most talented footballers on the planet, its not like thousands of city fans are after any information no matter how insignificant, so they can decide for them selves if it was worth knowing or not, lets shut all the threads stop debate and wait until we get a decision either way. that’s a really good idea maybe we could have a vote ?

or maybe you could have looked two threads down and seen there was already a 7 page thread on it. But like a big fucking kid running to show his mum what he's made at school, you couldn't fucking wait to post it. Ric has already said that the problem with the site crashing is due to pricks like you, who re post threads.
Tit,Prick fcuk me your scaring me,you sound so hard how old are you 14 ?
Re: kaka clutching Milan shirt

stony said:
niall_mcfc said:
why bother with these threads why cant people just wait until the deal is off or the deal is done
Yes” why bother with these pointless threads regarding one of the most talented footballers on the planet, its not like thousands of city fans are after any information no matter how insignificant, so they can decide for them selves if it was worth knowing or not, lets shut all the threads stop debate and wait until we get a decision either way. that’s a really good idea maybe we could have a vote ?

or maybe you could have looked two threads down and seen there was already a 7 page thread on it. But like a big fucking kid running to show his mum what he's made at school, you couldn't fucking wait to post it. Ric has already said that the problem with the site crashing is due to pricks like you, who re post threads.
Re: Happyblue on Kaka

Good. Surely England is as good as anywhere, and probably better than a lot of places, in realizing that football and footballers can be used for so much good beyond the sport. Seems like everyone is up to some form of charity, be it religious or otherwise. Just one of the reasons why this sport is so brilliant. :)
Re: please put all kaka posts here

Apparently on mediaset he greeted the Fans again but this time the headline is "A gesture that smacks of goodbye"??
Re: Happyblue on Kaka

Personally think he could have no one better to promote him than our own cooke.
Re: Latest on Kaka from Italy:

mediaset has it now!!!!!

Fonti vicine alla dirigenza rossonera hanno fatto capire che l'accordo tra Bosco Leite e il Manchester City, ultimo tassello mancante alla trattativa, sarebbe stato raggiunto. Sources close to the leadership rossonera have made it clear that the agreement between Bosco Leite and Manchester City, missing the last negotiations, it would have been achieved. Al passaggio di Kakà al club inglese, dunque, mancherebbe solo l'ufficialità Kakà pass the English club, then, lacking only the official

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