Lescott Interview in the Guardian


Well-Known Member
31 May 2009
Couldn't see it posted:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/manchester-city/10006738/Joleon-Lescott-determined-to-prove-his-point-with-Manchester-City-and-England.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/footba ... gland.html</a>

Joleon Lescott is calm, respectful of Roberto Mancini and Manchester City but his head is spinning with questions. The England centre-half wants to stay at City but he also craves the chance to prove he should be starting regularly, so assisting his World Cup ambitions.

No agent, adviser or lawyer currently represents Lescott.
Nobody is authorised to brief, talk or negotiate on his behalf. Only the man striding into a room at Carrington on Thursday, keen to tell his story, to explain his passion for Manchester City and also voice some concerns.
“If someone said when I signed here ‘you’re going to win the Premier League, get to two FA Cup finals and represent your country in the Euros’ I’d have snapped their hand off,” Lescott begins. “So now to go into the final year of my contract uncertain about my future is quite strange. I’d love to stay. My wife’s pregnant, we’ve just moved house, the kids are happy at school. But I’m not naïve. When you’ve achieved all that and you’re going into the last year of your contract your future might be elsewhere.
“I can’t afford to go into a World Cup year being uncertain of whether I’m going to play [regularly] here. It seems like I’ve always been fourth choice with England. I came in six years ago and JT and Rio were 50 caps each, so I was never going to break into that. Then Matty Upson came in, then Michael Dawson, then Gary Cahill. I felt after the Euros, there was an opportunity [to be first-choice] but not appearing consistently here has hindered that.
“I feel I’ve done enough for the club to demand a bit of respect in terms of they come and tell me what they want, whether it’s a new deal, which I would be delighted to sign, or [to go] elsewhere. I’m very respectful of the club with what they’ve done for me, how they were persistent when Everton were digging their heels in to keep me. I owe a lot to the club. I also feel I’ve done enough to demand a bit of respect to not see speculation about my future. I’m reading I’m ‘going, I’m ‘available’.

“I’ll continue to give 100 per cent for City until the day they say I’m no longer part of it. It’s not about money. There’s no point being somewhere, whether Barcelona or City, and not playing. Football will play second fiddle to the kids and my wife but all my opportunities in life have come from football. I love playing. I know I can perform at a high standard.
“Last year was probably my best for City. I felt wanted. I felt needed. I had an inkling at the start when I wasn’t in the Community Shield squad that this year was not going to be as enjoyable. Then we signed [Matija] Nastasic, who’s probably been the best young player in the Premier League along with Gareth Bale and Christian Benteke. I don’t hold anything against him. He’s done really well.
“Over Christmas I called Roy Hodgson and Gary Neville and asked their opinion. They were very helpful. But after the Southampton game [on Feb 9], a bad team performance, I didn’t feature for a few weeks. It was disappointing. I felt I was playing well. Again I didn’t complain. It’s been said to me that ‘the nice guy doesn’t always get what he wants’. It’s hard to change my nature. But when it affects my career and my family, I can fight for that.
“I wasn’t [originally] in the last squad for San Marino and Montenegro and Roy called to explain, a personal touch that I appreciated. Roy’s really good. It’s different than at the club, and previously with Fabio Capello when stuff wasn’t explained. It’s explained now. It helps Roy being English, growing up knowing the English culture. He can [get angry]. In Poland away, he let us know we were better than that [draw]. When you respect someone like that it has more impact when they then get angry. You feel you’ve let them down.’’ When Dawson was injured, Lescott was drafted in and started in Serravalle and Podgorica. “But it [the original omission] was a reality check. That feeling was horrible. I felt I can’t let this happen again. It’s frustrating. I’m reading the game better than ever. Everyone says a centre-half doesn’t peak until 28 to 32. I’m only 30. There’s a few more years at peak level. I enjoy training with the lads, a great set of lads, but it’s hard on match-days, when you know you’re not going to play. I haven’t watched Match of the Day all season out of frustration.”
Mancini rarely communicates his reasons. “He might see me as someone who’s not going to cause problems. Maybe he feels he doesn’t need to explain because I’m experienced enough to understand how things work. Even though now and again I’d like to be explained to, he’s got to manage the whole squad.’’ A good squad.
As Lescott talks, the amiable figure of Pablo Zabaleta walks across the car park and shouts up to an open window, calling for someone to get the kettle on. “He’s a really nice guy. In the first half of the season, Robin van   Persie was the outstanding player and Bale in the second half but the most consistent player throughout the season has been Zaba, as good as anyone. People underestimate the bond here. Yes, we’ve got great players, who can do great things at any given time, but we also fight for each other. We hurt when we read things about not being close as a squad. It’s probably the club where our wives mix least but the players mix a lot more over golf and meals.
“I know we’re a big club but there’s been speculation that Vinny [Kompany] is going to Barcelona, the biggest club in the world. Vinny’s a great player. I wouldn’t begrudge anyone if they left. If you’re ambitious then go for whatever you feel is right. If you’re moving for money, that’s silly. People said my motive for coming to City was money but my decision surely now has been justified with trophies. For Carlos Tévez to come from United, people said ‘he’s only going for the money’. No, he’s going because he wants to play every week.’’
Lescott gives an insight into Tévez’s infamous refusal to warm up in Munich. “That was blown out of all proportion. Everyone outside the club forgot that Carlos carried this club on his back for the previous two seasons. We never forgot that. Never will. Carlos was more nervous coming back [from his exile]. The first day back, he came in and Micah Richards bear-hugged him like his long-lost brother. That broke the ice.
“Carlos can do what every other striker can and he adds a bit more with his work-rate. Carlos demands effort. He demands the best. You can’t come into training thinking ‘half-measures’ because he’ll expose you. Kun [Agüero] has that appetite as well. Kun’s one of the reasons that make me want to stay here forever because I don’t want to play against him! He’s so small, quick and sharp. You think because he’s small, you can just bump him off but you can’t.”
Lescott also heaps praise on Joe Hart. “I don’t know if Joe knows but I’m probably his biggest fan. I just love him around the place. It’s his character. It must be the goalkeeping thing. To want to get hit by the ball you have to be crazy.’’ Hart has been criticised this season, notably by Mancini. “Joe wouldn’t let that affect him. He’s one of the strongest-minded players around. I know Joe’s determined to be the best in the world. And he can be. All the doubts over him this year are strange after the season he had last year. Next year with the World Cup he can prove he’s the best in the world.” That World Cup also shapes Lescott’s thoughts.


I think Lescott's been a bit unfortunate, he was fantastic last season and I'm sure the intention wasn't to replace him in the starting XI this year; I believe Nastasic was brought in as a young talent that would take his place in 2-3 years, but he's been a revelation and unfortunately for Lescott, seized his opportunity with both hands and not let go.

I can see Lescott leaving this summer as he's clearly desperate to be in the World Cup squad and will need regular game time at club level to be on the plane, which barring injury, I don't think he'll get here. It'll be a shame to see him go as he's a great player, top pro and seems like a genuinely decent bloke so I'm sure he'll leave with thanks and best wishes from everyone at City.
Think he'll be off, and it probably suits both parties for that to happen.

Was never his biggest fan but hr earned a lot of respect for what he did last season.
When you have someone like Vinny taking the only other available spot you can play it is going to be a nightmare. If age was on his side then staying would be best, but alas it isn't.
thought lescott was the better of the 2 centre halves last season vinny was brilliant then average lescott was consistent all season , one of his only mistakes nearly cost us the league against qpr ironically , for me it was between barry and lescott for player of the season the unnoticed ones who let the stars get the headlines
Great interview from a top professional.I would love to see him stay with City but I can see it would not be as a regular so would fully understand if he moved on to play all the time.
mrtwiceaseason said:
thought lescott was the better of the 2 centre halves last season vinny was brilliant then average lescott was consistent all season , one of his only mistakes nearly cost us the league against qpr ironically , for me it was between barry and lescott for player of the season the unnoticed ones who let the stars get the headlines

Agreed with the first part totally, last year was more about Lescott than Vinnie.
Thats one of the best interviews i have read from one of our payers. Very frank and I think a genuine appeal to the club to offer him a contract and to talk to him about his role. I really hope he stays and City find a way to keep him Vinny and Nasty happy. They are probably the best three centre backs in the country so it won't be easy but we will be a weaker team without big Jo.
I feel sorry for Lescott. I wasn't a fan when he came but he's proved me wrong. I called him liability when he first came, and there are moments of it still, one of those moments against QPR almost lost us the title but it was a mark of how far he'd come in my mind that I didn't even think 'liability' until I could laugh about it after winning. There are still problems with Lescott, he's still prone to an odd goal-conceding error and his main issue is that for an experienced player, he cannot lead a defence like Vinny does. However, whilst he's been the lesser half of Vinny and Lescott, they've been a great partnership with the partnership being greater than the individual parts. I get why we've bought Nastasic though. One of the admirable things about Mancini is that he never seems to buy players older than 26. He wants players either at their prime or moving towards it. This is why all of Hughes' signings have gone for a fraction of what we bought them for whereas all Mancini's have been sold for a profit. It's a sensible strategy. Unfortunately, Lescott seems to have been a victim of that strategy. I'd like to keep him as a backup but I'll never begrudge any player who wants to leave so they can play football more regularly. So if he goes, it's so long Lescott, and thank you.

Well that interview settles it surely? He's gone in the summer. Will go with my thanks and respect. Doesn't get the credit he deserves for his part in that title winning defence came on hugely since we first signed him and has been Englands best centre half over the last 2-3 seasons in my opinion.
ninjamonkey said:
Well that interview settles it surely? He's gone in the summer. Will go with my thanks and respect. Doesn't get the credit he deserves for his part in that title winning defence came on hugely since we first signed him and has been Englands best centre half over the last 2-3 seasons in my opinion.
What better than phil duncan jones ? You sure lol!

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