Lescott [Merged]

Re: Lescott

BlueMooner87 said:
just me that thinks his good goal scoring covers up for his lack-lustre defending then
I think lack-lustre is a bit harsh but you do have a point. It's his goals that get him noticed, not his defending
Re: Lescott

squirtyflower said:
I'd prefer us going for Brede Hangeland.
Hangeland is a good solid defender, but he's awful with the ball and I think that's what will keep him from going to one of the top teams
Re: Lescott

For City to get Lescott at the proper value and I reckon £15m is top monies for him, then Lescott would have to put in a transfer request, Everton don't want to sell, they don't have a lot of money, but they don't have to sell either, so if Lescott wants to join the project then he will have to put in a transfer request.
Re: Lescott

Rodenberger10 said:
ToffeeAndy said:
MCFC-alan88 said:
ToffeeAndy said:
Glad to see the "Who's a bigger club" argument has died down again after last night. Seriously why are people still bothering with this pointless debate?

Anyway just a quick question from me...

Who would City fans prefer to buy out of the following players and why?


Out of the three? Lescott. Toure hasn't been the same since he had Malaria and Upson is what, 30 now? It's sort of the lesser of three evils.

Yeah I thought that would probably be the general opinion tbh. I think West Ham have quoted £15m for Upson which is a lot for a 30 year old.

Is there a CB that you would prefer over Lescott then, as i'm getting the impression you dont really rate him that highly?

I think Lescott is fantastic... however I would prefer Jagielka! Who do you think is better?

Tough call really. I'd probs say Jagielka just shades it. Jags is a bit like John Terry... always in the right place at the right time. His positional sense is just unbelievable! Add to that he'll put his body on the line for his team mates and is unbelievably consistent and you have yourself a truely great defender. I remember against Liverpool this season, every game Jags had Torres in his back pocket, obsolutely destroyed Torres in those games which is no mean feat!

Lescott on the other hand is more of a Rio Ferdinand type player. Fast, strong, reads the game well. Comfortable in posession too (although has looked shakey for England, but is much much more assured for us).

Both are very different which is why I think they compliment each other so well for us. I think if we had to lose one i'd choose Lescott but i'd prefer to keep them both :)
Re: Lescott

I really rate the lad Cahill at Bolton and as an alternative to Lescott we would have a potentially top class defender, and he is a ringer for Ferdinand.
Re: Lescott

kippax casual said:
I would be very unhappy with Lescott at 20 million at 12 million or 15 maybe but 20!

He might not be worth £20m in terms of ability, but value to our club would mean thats what you'd have to pay.

I'd say he's a player who on ability alone is worth probs about £12m. However his because of his partnership at the back with Jags for us we broke our clean sheets record. Add to that he is our reserve left back, recently signed a new 5 year contract and the fact we dont need to sell, and that we would have to not only replace him, but then buy a resere left back too... then you have got yourself a player who is worth £20m+ to us.
Re: Lescott

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1194109/Everton-target-4m-Russia-captain-Sergei-Ignashevich-replace-Manchester-City-bound-Joleon-Lescott.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... scott.html</a>

sounds promising.....signing imminent
Re: Lescott

i dont belive the daily mirror buttt

Everton have identified Russia international defender Sergei Ignashevich as a replacement for Manchester City-bound Joleon Lescott.
proberly bull shit

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1194109/Everton-target-4m-Russia-captain-Sergei-Ignashevich-replace-Manchester-City-bound-Joleon-Lescott.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... scott.html</a>
Re: Lescott

You must remember that we need cover for our positions at the back , so the Mail can write what they want . He is simply one of many defenders we have been linked with .

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