Lescott [Merged]

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wantefc said:
Optimus Prime

Decent points , we are skint thats well known but believe or not we do have a budget this season.i think city fans have fallen into the idea that if we dont sell we will go under, we wont! In the grand scheme of things we are in the lower end of the league debtwise but we just dont have a rich sugar daddy to underwrite it. Dont think for a minute Moyes is being awkward just for the sake of it , he will have thought the money through and lets face it he isnt stupid. Rumours are that when our stadium issue is sorted a takeover might not be far away. Moyes willl have a longterm strategy and just pissing Man city fans off wont be part of it!

I'm not saying you will go under mate - far from it - I'm just saying its a very risky strategy to go into a fiercely competitive season, where you're trying to compete in the league and for three trophies, with a threadbare squad containing a frustrated, potentially disruptive player who wants out. And that if this risky strategy backfires, it will be the Everton fans not Moyes who suffers as a result.

I don't for a second think Moyes' strategy is to piss off City and their fans - I'm quite sure he doesn't give 2 thoughts to us. I just think his strategy is to make himself look like he's strong and suffers no shit from anyone through all this - its all about his CV in the end, and he can say 'I stood up to anyone who tried to give me any shit', which I fear is not the best decision for Everton. Thats my point - I think he's making the decision that makes him look good, rather than the one that best serves the club. In that light, I find it strange the fact that Everton fans are so supportive of his self-serving agenda.
Quinninho said:
Chippy_boy said:
Let's face it - he's not coming. Not that this a big deal - I don't rate him that much anyway.

Moyes has dug his heels in now so much, he will look like a total tool if he sells Lescott now. I can't see the board overruling him either, or likely he would have to resign, or look like an even bigger tool.

So, he's going to have a £20m hole in his pocket and a pissed off player on his hands. He's handled this really badly imho. He should have sold at the right price 2 or 3 weeks ago, at which time he could have got a replacement in and banked some money. But now it is too late - he can't let Lescott leave and that's the end of it.

Didn't see Wenger squealing and kicking off about the Adebayor deal but he was realistic and grown up about it. But Moyes is impossible to deal with. Fuck him.

I am certain Moyes will regret this far more than we do. His loss.

Couldnt agree more CB.
Pam said:
wantefc said:
I see you have your Man City blinkers on this morning, ill just agree to disagree there. A lot of you are making assumptions that we are fucked with out your money. If we were we'd be snatching your hand off but weirdly we say no. If man city fans think Moyes is a fool then obviously he is!

Yesterday, someone from Everton was saying how Moyes expected a relegation battle at the start of last season because of the threadbare nature of a mediocre squad. They slimed their way out of it last season but I think we could be talking the Big R come next May. You're going down.

I really do think this, EFC.

Its all about opinions on here so fair enough...but the fact that you base it on that we wont roll over for you rather than anything else ill disagree.
Evertons recent success founded on unity solidarity and team spirit undone in recent weeks by Moyes belligerence.

He seems to have forgotten that the sum of the whole is always more valuable than its constituent parts.

Even baconface realises this hence as soon as a player shows dissent a la Keane, Beckham Ronaldo, Van horseface they are out of the door quick as a flash.

Moyes should see sense now whilst he can still keep face, get replacements and just claim he was driving a higher price.
Re: Fornicator!!!!!

Gwladiator said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
you cant doubt his managerial abilities but this year i think everton will struggle without a top striker, no goal-scoring CB and only £20M in the bank

We have a 20 goal a season striker in Yakubu, Saha could chip in 5-10 and Jo could probably get us about 15.

"and jo could probably get us about 15"

Well it seems all a bit tedious now doesn't it? Two weeks ago I was confident that you guys had him, then I changed my mind with Moyes' stance, then I changed it back when Joleon's TR was refused, then I changed it back again because I thought Moyes was playing you to up the price, then I changed it back again yesterday after Moyes' interview.

It's a mess, lads. One thing, a lot of you have had a pop at Everton for wanting to keep Joleon against his wishes. I don't think you're being entirely fair. He's got a 4 year contract with Everton, so the club is entirely within its rights to get him to honour that. Footballers are selfish bastards, so let's not collude with them in that. Joleon wants the money, nothing more or less. I would also add that for us, Joleon is extremely valuable because we're very thin on the ground in defence with Jags out. Additionally, he left it very late to put in a TR, which gives us hardly any time to find a suitable replacement. It's just a shame Hughes didn't give a realistic offer to begin with, and then maybe this mess would have been sorted a couple of weeks ago.

As far as Lescott goes, I would be wrong to claim he's world-class. He's adapted well at Everton under Moyes and has an understanding with his team-mates. I'd say most of his ability comes from hard work, rather than it being something innate. Plus, he does make mistakes. Last season, most Evertonians were calling for him to be benched due to a terrible patch. We lost games last season because of Joleon. Obviously, he turned that around and other than that, has been a fantastic player for the club. All I'm doing is saying that should he sign, don't expect him to be always fantastic, or to fit in straight away. He needs manging carefully, and he needs to feel confident. One thing, though, he isn't a Ferdinand, and never will be. He's solid and normally dependable but is no way going to be part of City's future, given it seems likely that in 3 years, you'll be a top 3 team. But as a transition player, he should be decent enough.

Anyway, I've wittered on a bit now. I was actually one of the ones that wanted to sell early on. I would have taken £20m cash, or even £17m + Jo (he's not as bad as you guys think). But now, given the timing, Moyes would be a fool to sell for anything less than silly money, given we'll be screwed by whichever team we buy a replacement from. I'm sure secretly Moyes will sell if he finds someone he fancies, but I would imagine it won't be for less than £25m.
wantefc said:
Pam said:
Yesterday, someone from Everton was saying how Moyes expected a relegation battle at the start of last season because of the threadbare nature of a mediocre squad. They slimed their way out of it last season but I think we could be talking the Big R come next May. You're going down.

Don't know about anyone else, but I am basing it on the fact that you're squad is crap and your manager has spurned his only opportunity to doing something to address this by knocking back an over inflated offer for an good defender who doesn't even have a regular spot in the England team. And he has brought maximum embarassment and indignity to the process, which puts a question mark over his judgement. I think all this rag successor talk has gone to his head and Everton have not been the beneficiaries.
I really do think this, EFC.

Its all about opinions on here so fair enough...but the fact that you base it on that we wont roll over for you rather than anything else ill disagree.
Optimus Prime

You could say that arguement applies to the majority of managers in all of the leagues....but its all guess work on your part or wishful thinking. Moyes may move on or he may be doing this for the good of the club...nobody on here really knows.
Think about it , if it was just about ego's and we desperatley needed the money Kenwirght would step in, Moyes is important but if he put the club in trouble then they would get rid.
A lot of city fans cant accept that maybe Moyes has a long term strategy and so console themselves that Moyes can only possibly turn down City to enhance his own career. Its alittle bit blinkered.
wantefc i dont think its some being blinkered as such, i think i know the answer to this, if the rags came in now for moyes we both know he would go .. 1 of the biggest clubs in the world want him as manager , i dont doubt he would go. and i think most evertonians wouldnt disagree either, so when a player wantes to more than double his money regardless of what hes on now and how much it is, moyes was on 30k a week and got 65k a week in his new deal.so he can do it, why cant lescott? and he does want to go. this is all so complex i just dont get it
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