Lescott [Merged]

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lee-mcfc said:
i for one will be watching the match tonight and hopefully everton get thrashed:)
anyone think the same? lol

Not me, I would much rather Everton had an extended run in the Europa cup, we are not in it and they will have to stretch an already slim squad between that and the league thus making there finish in the league all that much harder to achieve. As that is where we are in direct competition with them and not Europe I hope they stay in it until at least Christmas. As for the revenue it would generate them, it doesnt really does it in the grand scheme of things.
@ royal_blue

Referring back to your earlier post how City are being perceived by neutrals then posting a link to 606 , well mate. You are having a monumental laugh. 606 neutral? 606 posters objective? Yeh, and Saddam had WMD as well, honestly.

606; City are ruining football is the common theme there. Reality is City have funded Blackburn to the tune of 18m, this in turn should get distributed to the lower leagues when they decide to spend. Win-Win

606; City are Chavs and have no class only cash. Reality is few weeks back Everton posters on 606 were getting giddy thinking an investment was coming their way. It was suddenly okay for them to start dreaming, but not City eh?

606 are inflating prices. Reality Everton are putting a stupid price tag on a player that clearly wishes to leave you. So how is that City inflating the market?

I've followed all the debate on here over the Lescott affair and 606 & your forums and guess what I would prefer to do business with a Somali Pirate than Everton Football Club. The club have behaved shockingly - yours that is, and the fans equally as bad. As for Moyes, well I hope his aspirations of taking over at the Dark Side have come under scrutiny over there and the opinion is that he is an inept fool.

Finally mate, what have Everton achieved under Moyes? Okay 3 good finishes out of 7 but NOTHING to show for it, no money, no silverware . As for us, we're not claiming we have done anything recently, but mate we will .

If you are going to debate here reasonably in a mature manner then you are welcome in my view, if you are just going to spout the usual Everton shite then fuck off
Royal Blue, when people on here criticise Gollum's behaviour, they're not suggesting he's broken any rules, they're just suggesting that he's behaving like a prick.

1). Going absolutely fucking mental because we had the audacity to bid for one of his players.
2). Then going positively nuclear because we had the audacity to increase that bid.
3). Then to cry about how "disgusting" we are. Why exactly?
4). Publicly slagging off Mark Hughes for not calling him. I mean, come on, apart from Jim Smith and Joe Kinnear, does anyone else really still conduct multi-million-pound transfer deals like that?
5). Stating he's not for sale, not even for 30m. Then a week later saying he IS for sale for 30m.
6). Publicly slagging off Lescott, blaming him for the Arsenal game and saying all his team mates are sick of him.

The guy has behaved like a complete and utter c*nt since the second bid went in. An up until that point, I was fully behind his stance (and there will be posts on here to prove it)
Dubai Blue said:
royal_blue said:
Question still applys though guys.......would you agree that Lescott was tapped up long ago and by default Man City are very naughty boys and girls?
Of course we've tapped him up. No player would hand in a transfer request without first knowing what kind of deal awaits him on the other side. "Tapping up" in this sense happens in every transfer involving every club and every player.

The key question you need to answer is, can you prove it?

No, thought not. Oh well.......
Cheers Dubai Blue......i'm not after proving it i was just trying to get an acknowledgement that it isn't 100% Evertons fault....i know this is a City forum and i also know it's an open forum were other fans can air their views so long as they are now overly provocative and/or abusive.....can i ask another question....why is every-one treated with distain......"Bacon face", "Gollom" "blue scouse prick" "dippers" i live in Oldham as i mentioned in my first ever post and i live amongst u guys yet i can't understand why you are so abusive......abuse like you hand out is normally reserved for teams/people above your position as it's a sign of jealousy.....what have you guys left to be jealous about??.......you have more money than any-one, the majority of match going Man City fans i know are good well mannered intelligent people.....anyways.....i hope you get Lescott......i hope we all learn a little more about how to conduct transfers better, i hope Everton Get around £25m for Lescott as we'd be robbing you blind and best of luck for the season....but...while all around you will hate you please keep your dignity it's not nice to come on these forums and read how great it was when you smacked some Everton fan up and down all over the place when they last came to Eastlands, you now need to be above all of that and keep a check on those guys amonst you who will bring you down. I do sincerely hope you win the Premiership soon you deserve it for the last 10 years you had to endure.......just dont lose your class or lose your dignity and respect for other teams as it could end up being your downfall
Kinkys Left Foot said:
Anybody else notice that Fulham and Roy Hodgson have made two unsuccessful bids for 1 of West Broms better players, Johnathon Greening, who they clearly do not want to sell. Both offers have been rejected however you dont hear Di Matteo screaming fucking blue murder in the press telling all and sundry hes never for sale at any price not even 30 million. In fact im not even sure the 1st bid was released to the press by West Brom. I think its relatively straightforward really. Nobody at West Brom has bad mouthed Roy or the "Boy done good" from Harrods, isnt that the way that these things should be handled? Greening may well go but hes not been dropped (or handed a transfer request in either I know) but im willing to bet WB wont stand in his way if he wants out despite the fact RDM may want him to stay.
THIS IS HARD WORK BUT HERE GOES ...agents pretty much run the transfer market these days , city probably asked the agent not the player" if he was available",agent goes to player, player wants to leave..agent makes big bucks.so city did not tap the player up ....simples
royal_blue said:
Forzacitizens said:
nope, he was not tapped up. Sorry mate, but we've done nothing wrong in this transfer, i think you're trying to find something to have a go at us, and really, we've handled everything right and proper
Hi Forza, i'm not looking for a fight or an arguement but surely you must find it strange that on this forum everybody knew that city were drawing a bid and had all already sounded out Lescott or his agent about wages....all your "ITK's" got everything right weeks before a bid was ever lodged......can you hand on heart say that nobody connected with Man city spoke to Lescott or his agent before the bids were made public by Everton...........can you 100% say that City's hands are utterly completely clean in this..........guess what i'm trying to say is that Everton and Moyes in particular get slaughtered when all he is doing is trying to protect his own team when every-one at City says "well wasn't me gov i don't know who told Lescott that we'd give him a 5 year contract on 90k a week.......we all know how football works and we all know Lescott most likely will be sold and good riddance in all honesty......but is any-one on here going to be brave enough and just admit that city have been guilty of some inappropriate behaviour in approaching the player.....be inetersting to find out from the original "ITK's" to find out from which sources the original rumblings came from

royal_blue said:
Forzacitizens said:
nope, he was not tapped up. Sorry mate, but we've done nothing wrong in this transfer, i think you're trying to find something to have a go at us, and really, we've handled everything right and proper
Hi Forza, i'm not looking for a fight or an arguement but surely you must find it strange that on this forum everybody knew that city were drawing a bid and had all already sounded out Lescott or his agent about wages....all your "ITK's" got everything right weeks before a bid was ever lodged......can you hand on heart say that nobody connected with Man city spoke to Lescott or his agent before the bids were made public by Everton...........can you 100% say that City's hands are utterly completely clean in this..........guess what i'm trying to say is that Everton and Moyes in particular get slaughtered when all he is doing is trying to protect his own team when every-one at City says "well wasn't me gov i don't know who told Lescott that we'd give him a 5 year contract on 90k a week.......we all know how football works and we all know Lescott most likely will be sold and good riddance in all honesty......but is any-one on here going to be brave enough and just admit that city have been guilty of some inappropriate behaviour in approaching the player.....be inetersting to find out from the original "ITK's" to find out from which sources the original rumblings came from

Hi DSOB. I covered the issue about whether or not we tapped the player up in my last post - general gist (in case you didn't read it) - if Everton feel ther is a case to answer, they should start legal proceedeings against City. But they should be armed with a bit more than a print-out of Tolmie's original post, a few Red Top articles and some recordings of speculative commentrs made on SSN. Its all about proof.

My issue is with the bit highlighted in bold - if all Moyes is doing is trying to protect his own team, surely even you must conded he's doing a spectacularly bad job of it at present. He's turning down the option of very good money for a player - which could be invested to strengthen his threadbare squad - and has evidently severely compromised the team spirit which has served Everton so well in recent seasons. All to further his own agenda - to prove he gets the final say and is the big boss man at Everton. If his job is as you state, he's evidently failing in quite dramatic style at the moment. But something tells me he doesn't feel that element of his job is as important as his broader aim of furthering his standing in tha game as the old school, tough guy, takes no shit manager type. Its just a shame he's using Everton's season to make rather laborious this point.
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