Lescott [Merged]

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Lescott at Goodison last night, seemed cheery enough. Hopefully a good sign.

Everton have two medicals booked for tomorrow.

Let's hope City have one too! Hope to here from Stu before lunchtime tomorrow (this morning!)
Taylor said:
I know Moyes has said he doesn't want to see but it will be interesting to see if Everton do actually agree a fee for Taylor, interesting thing is the fact that the Senderos deal never materialised

i thin the fact that senderos never materialised is why we havent got lescot yet, i reckin golum is determined to save face witrh the fans by bringing in a replacement before he lets lescott go,

imo i can still se lescot being paraded before the fans on saturday, well hopefully anyway,

off topic slightly now but looks like fergie is sh**ing himself about us, after putting us down a few weeks ago he now see's us as a real threat,

probably because the night we were beating the european champions in their own back yard, utd were getting beat off burnly, a priceless night!!

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/sport/football/457397/Fergies-U-turn-Sir-Alex-now-sees-Man-City-as-a-threat.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/sport/f ... hreat.html</a>
Moyes saying on SSN after the game tonight they must sign at least 4 players before the window shuts. Only way they are getting the money for that is if they sell Lescott.

He cant play for them again, they have no cover in defence and cant sign anyone until he is sold so common sense dictates this will happen now and quickly. That said Moyes has shown no common sense thus far.

I cant wait to see his excuses when he is sold for £20 million ish after saying he would never be sold at any price even over £30 million hes the boss blah blah blah......

The press and pundits are going to ream him for this when it happens.
alera said:
Moyes saying on SSN after the game tonight they must sign at least 4 players before the window shuts. Only way they are getting the money for that is if they sell Lescott.

He cant play for them again, they have no cover in defence and cant sign anyone until he is sold so common sense dictates this will happen now and quickly. That said Moyes has shown no common sense thus far.

I cant wait to see his excuses when he is sold for £20 million ish after saying he would never be sold at any price even over £30 million hes the boss blah blah blah......

The press and pundits are going to ream him for this when it happens.

Don't think so, its the sensible thing for moyes to do now, unfourtunatly moyes will continue to be admired by the media for sticking to his moral's for aslong as it is viable to do so, and hughes will be seen as disrespectful.

But at the end of it all, we'il have our man and everton will have fund's for more undiscovered talents as per usual.
alera said:
Moyes saying on SSN after the game tonight they must sign at least 4 players before the window shuts.

But it's not the right way to do deals this close to the end of the window.
Andouble said:
crizack said:
ugly twat

pmsl. Him and Tevez in the same side won't be a sight for sore eyes that's for sure

Not going to be getting any Brylcream, Gucci, CK or Gillette sponsorships any time soon!...

Still, the bid's going to have to be 25m+ (or 20m + player/s) or he won't be going anywhere.

Don't know what's worse, letting Everton keep him or giving Moyes the cash to go out and strengthen - he really is consistently successful at getting the most for his money (Lescott, Jagielka, Howard, Arteta, Pienaar & Baines all 6m or less), Everton could end up stronger for the loss of Lescott.
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