Lescott [Merged]

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Just to rub it in we should stipulate that any deal is subject to Everton not reporting us to the premier league for tapping up.
Why is Gollum saying that he is going to report us now the deals done surely the time to report nasty old Man City would have been when he was NOT for sale at ANY price.

I dont know whats sadder Everton as a club for acting so unprofessionally by spreading this nonsense or their fans for believing it.
mancboy123 said:
Why is Gollum saying that he is going to report us now the deals done surely the time to report nasty old Man City would have been when he was NOT for sale at ANY price.

I dont know whats sadder Everton as a club for acting so unprofessionally by spreading this nonsense or their fans for believing it.

the fans have little choice. this is a well timed smear campaign to distract them from losing their best player (and not even offering him improved terms), and to distract them from the somewhat underwhelming nature of the replacements. (I'm assuming that they don't spend anywhere near 22m this window). There are some pretty awkward questions about finances,ownership and the need for a new ground that everyone involved would like to avoid.
1qwerty said:

I'll take £24m off you for Lescott , nearly 5 times what we paid for him ..... thanks boys .. I couldn't be bothered about making a complaint about citys blatant " tapping up " of the player , we'll hit you where it hurts , .... we'll stuff you at piddle Eastlands and at GP , I wonder if joleon has remembered to tell you ....in training the Yak and King Louis take the piss out of him something wicked :)

Enjoy your few months in the limelight boys because you'll soon be were you always are .. and deserve ...... propping up the better teams and fighting for 9th alongside Fulham and West ham ... you just may see us miles ahead of you .. , I'll wave back at you :)

come on burnley
moyes has made himself and everton a laughing stock this is another attempt to draw attention away from the fact they are now a midtable feeder club

after giving them charity with the jo loan and 20 million for lescott they could at least show a little grace and gratitude

its what i have come to expect from scouse vermin tbh
Great signing, Everton won't get any more to spend than what they initially paid for Lescott, nice! Bottom line is we are now a better team with JL, Everton are worse off.
1qwerty said:

I'll take £24m off you for Lescott , nearly 5 times what we paid for him ..... thanks boys .. I couldn't be bothered about making a complaint about citys blatant " tapping up " of the player , we'll hit you where it hurts , .... we'll stuff you at piddle Eastlands and at GP , I wonder if joleon has remembered to tell you ....in training the Yak and King Louis take the piss out of him something wicked :)

Enjoy your few months in the limelight boys because you'll soon be were you always are .. and deserve ...... propping up the better teams and fighting for 9th alongside Fulham and West ham ... you just may see us miles ahead of you .. , I'll wave back at you :)


Pure comedy!

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11671_5424760,00.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528, ... 60,00.html</a>

Fancy that, EFC and Moyes, the moral crusaders of British football?
A Burnley victory today would be nice.
Will they blame us for that too?

Shame we didn't play them on wednesday. Rout.
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