Lescott [Merged]

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southstand117 said:
alera said:
Cant see why people are getting on his back TBH.
because he has give us a bit of info, i thought thats what people did on here...

Oh no......have we started abusing all these people that put rumors on here again :(

Its a sad sad day when you cant post a rumor on a rumor's board without a torrent of abuse.
hello said:
stu9488 said:
I dont work for an agency no. Nor a Hospital, im part of MCFC Sports Science, we work within the medical department, mainly dealing with fitness and dieting, but during close season we help with medicals etc.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if your involved in MJ's dieting, I suggest an alternative career.

the reason people who post stuff like this get so much shit is because of all the fantasist 'ITK'ers who post so much BS that it spoils it for anyone who may know anything!
walter mitty's got fuck all on some of these on here.
Its standard practice on here - someone gives a bit of info out (made up or otherwise); people get excited and ask them questions; someone else then jumps up and slags off the OP and anyone witless enough to believe them - its classic Bluemoon tennis!
Hi Stu,

It is good to have you onboard with informed opinion and insight (in light of what others have reported about your previous posts).

That said, one thing that does concern me about what you say surrounds your position within MCFC and any associated duty of confidentiality for which I am sure you are bound.

While I hope what you say is genuine and true, I struggle to understand how an MCFC employee would put their future at risk by posting such comments (especially as it is widely reported that Gary Cooke frequates the board) on here. If what you say is true I’d be concerned about publicising the confidential info to which you are party.

While the other ITK and WUM are primarily made up of attention seekers, none have dared dream up a story as convincing as yours. Just be careful as you never know who is reading.

P.S. Having been at the game and witnessed how Celitc passed though our defence on Saturday it is transparently obvious the defence needs an overhaul as we have all been mooting for some time. Get Upson in along with Lescott and retain Dunne from an experience/leadership point of view. I have a feeling that before the transfer window slams shut we’ll be defensively stocked up and the only problems we could possibly incur being whether the team gels together AND (if not) Hughes still have a job come Christmas time. The latter having no excuses anymore and I for one am watering at the mouth with the firm belief and thought of Mourinho waiting in the wings.

But for now lets see what Hughes can do now he has “HIS team”…..
Optimus Prime said:
Its standard practice on here - someone gives a bit of info out (made up or otherwise); people get excited and ask them questions; someone else then jumps up and slags off the OP and anyone witless enough to believe them - its classic Bluemoon tennis!

Its embarrasing that we cant post rumors on a rumors board for fear of being castrated (or potentially banned as was the case with me) - thats what it is.
doomuk said:
Optimus Prime said:
Its standard practice on here - someone gives a bit of info out (made up or otherwise); people get excited and ask them questions; someone else then jumps up and slags off the OP and anyone witless enough to believe them - its classic Bluemoon tennis!

Its embarrasing that we cant post rumors on a rumors board for fear of being castrated (or potentially banned as was the case with me) - thats what it is.

i know this forums for rumours but i for one cant understand why a (presumably) grown man wants to post utter bullshit in the hope of gaining some sort of status if he guesses a rumour right. its childish and causes a lot of arguments.
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