Lescott [Merged]

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Clevers said:
moomba said:
I call bullshit on that Mirror story.

If it is true though, it should never be forgotten.

If it's true and they do have proof that we acted in an illegal manner, heads should roll.

If it's not true we should sue.

Agreed. And then destroy the fuckers.
I have just read these posts and again quite shocked at the pace the abuse picks up. Lescott was not at the stadium today and I would like to see a picture of him at the ground if he was. Unless he was with the powers that be? No as they were watching the game together. He was not at the ground today and neither has he signed for city. It may happen very soon, but it still has not happened yet. This is the last time I will defend one of my posts.
Bilboblue said:
S.E.H said:
Richards is just shocking.

are you sure??????????????????


Care to expand on that simplistic statement?[/quote]

Were you watching the Birmingham vs Stoke game because I thought Richards played really solidly apart from being caught out three times but there was cover anyway.huge improvement on last season
They can report us to the FA but nothing will happen. Why? Chelsea have been doing it for years and despite being caught on camera with Ashley Cole their MD and a sack full of cash nothing ever actually happened to them aside from tiny fine (£300k) and a suspended 3 point deduction.

Nothing like that has happened here.

We really have no case to answer, as always happens when a bigger club comes in for a player with a big offer they always end up leaving.

It’s a shame Moyes has handled this so badly and made a complete fool of himself and Everton FC.

He obviously feels the need to point score of Lescott and MCFC for his inadequacies in how he has handled this transfer. Very sad really.
stu9488 said:
I have just read these posts and again quite shocked at the pace the abuse picks up. Lescott was not at the stadium today and I would like to see a picture of him at the ground if he was. Unless he was with the powers that be? No as they were watching the game together. He was not at the ground today and neither has he signed for city. It may happen very soon, but it still has not happened yet. This is the last time I will defend one of my posts.

He was sat next to me ffs, what do you know.

*Runs away* Only joking stu
stu9488 said:
I have just read these posts and again quite shocked at the pace the abuse picks up. Lescott was not at the stadium today and I would like to see a picture of him at the ground if he was. Unless he was with the powers that be? No as they were watching the game together. He was not at the ground today and neither has he signed for city. It may happen very soon, but it still has not happened yet. This is the last time I will defend one of my posts.
Ignore them Stu. Thanks for your info. Put them on Ignore
Marvin said:
stu9488 said:
I have just read these posts and again quite shocked at the pace the abuse picks up. Lescott was not at the stadium today and I would like to see a picture of him at the ground if he was. Unless he was with the powers that be? No as they were watching the game together. He was not at the ground today and neither has he signed for city. It may happen very soon, but it still has not happened yet. This is the last time I will defend one of my posts.
Ignore them Stu. Thanks for your info. Put them on Ignore

yip some people are just not happy until they have driven anyone with info away
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.grandoldteam.com/forum/everton-forum/17164-joleon-lescott-333.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.grandoldteam.com/forum/evert ... t-333.html</a>

So funny deluded dippers DSOB and co reckon they will get £10 million extra compo and we will get a points deduction for an illegal approach. Despite them having no evidence (it would have been in the press by now) and the fact Chelsea blatantly abused the rules and nothing ever happen to them except for a £300k fine.

SO Moyes expects the FA to rip up the rule book and previous judgements just for him becuase hes made a complete prick of himself.

Just how much of a fool does he want to make of himself ?
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