Lets turn our back on 'the Poznan'

I think we need a video of it being filmed from a distance, cause all the videos we have are all filmed by us in the crowd and it doesn't look as effective.

from a distance it will look alot better, surely by now i thought someone from the home/away fans who we've played would have filmed it.

I found a video of someone filming themselves in block 110-111 and it looked alrite, but it doesn't look really good, but from further away in the SS, it looks absolutely amazing in block 110-111.

we need a video from distance if you get me, like this one:

I'm not into it, but it doesn't bother me if others are.

I go to the game to watch City first and foremost. Having an hotdog, piss-up, wearing funny glasses, Poznan, conga, whatever, are all secondary reasons imo for attending a game. If any of these gimmicks interfere with my ability to watch the game, then I'm probably not going to get involved.

Just to correct some on this thread - refraining from performing the Poznan does not preclude the generation of atmosphere, and Liverpool did it before us so it's hardly 'unique'.

Edit: and yes, it is racist.
I never understand the theory that something like this will distract you from the match.

Granted, I have never been one for the South American thing of flag waving through out the whole match as I would hate to be standing behind the flag wafers for 90 minutes.

That said, I stood in probably the coolest standing terrace going these days called the Sudtribune at the stadium where Borussia Dortmund play in the Bundesliga for 2 matches back in September.

I got to watch and enjoy the football match but at the same time got to sing, chant, bounce around, and whatever else came to mind which made it a very awesome time! It is amazing to see 20,000 in that one section alone creating for an awesome atmosphere. I can't wait to see them back in the Champions League so more people from outside Germany can witness it.
its a bit of fun for those people that have a sense of humour. If you've had the bypass just sit down and dont bother
I think it's getting better and better as every game pass by. Why restrict yourselves to be just as boring as other clubs? Don't stop it, it's fun for the fans inside the stadium and looks quality on TV as well!
For those like myself unfortunate to not be able to get to games, its good to see the Blues all pissed up, doing the Poznan en mass. ESPN focussed on it yesterday too, and explained to those unaware of why we do it, where we got it from. There are certain things which don't suit English fans, things which our cousins on the continent do much better as its part of their culture. Some may say the Poznan is one of them, and it would be if it was done seriously like the Poznan fans did it. It appears its done in jest though, a load of Blue Loons doing it for a laugh, not serious whatsoever, and so that can only be good to be fair.
My mates are leicester fans and they sat in the opposite corner to us. They said from where they were sitting the poznan looked amazing. i thought it was great. Could feel the stadium bouncing!

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