Lets turn our back on 'the Poznan'

Shocking that people have said we shouldn't do it because disabled fans may feel left out. Should I never stand up in front of someone in a wheelchair then in case I upset them? Get real. Most people who are disabled have accepted that and are a lot stronger for it, stop being so fickle. And then this 'risk of injury'? Bloody hell. Some people seem so sad.
I'm afraid that this is the age of the new football fan,who just expect to sit down eat there pop corn and watch the game in peace,i really wish these people would stay far,far away
We even done a version of it in the pub facing morrisons yesterday before the game! I think it is getting better all the time and hope it continues.
mcfc01 said:
We even done a version of it in the pub facing morrisons yesterday before the game! I think it is getting better all the time and hope it continues.

That was class in that pub.

And I got a free drink from the bar maid for shutting up some jumped up little arse than called her a woman for not serving him. He ran off out of the pub. Happy days.
I think in future to avoid offending the disabled, ethnic minorities or brittle boned we should simply:
Sit quite but applaud politely in appreciation of progressive play or goals.
Perhaps doth our caps in respect to oppositions positive play.
Finally if we feel like going wild we could rasp our rattles.

Seriously though, how is the Poznan racist?
Should we not jump up and celebrate goals in fear of offending the less able? Come off it.

The Poznan regardless of it's origins or aesthetic credibility is fun, and gets people going. I also go to the game primarily for the game but my day out is certainly enhanced by the atmosphere.
I love the Poznan, I loved the Banana's I love away games that have a great atmosphere, Leicester was certainly that.

I think a great time to do the Poznan would be a minute before Kick Off, it will create a great atmosphere for the rest of the game and will not lead to anyone missing any play!
With a bonus of other fans wondering what the frig we are doing as they take their seats.
Villa Park soul be ideal for the Poznan.
It was a laugh in that pub apart from the wait to get served so we used the morrisons bar!

Yeah! The Poznan.

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