Re: Looks like as from 10pm we are at war
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I think most people would take issue with your assertion that anyone who is prepared to die for their country is a 'scumbag'.
I know. It's a shame really, but it's a national mindset that, even in this secular society, can never be questioned.
The most bizarre thing you will ever hear is "I don't agree with the war in Iraq, but I will always support the troops because they are British". If you hire yourself out to kill (if necessary) under order, regardless of the justice of the cause, you have no-one to blame but yourself.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
To my mind the difference between someone who is seeking to protect their country from what they genuinely perceive as an outside force which threatens it (however misguided) and someone who perceives that threat to come from within their own nation and attempts to change it by force is marginal.
I don't really understand what your saying. Could you please clarify your point?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I'm afraid to say as long as human beings are involved in the equation it's not going to happen. I suspect you know that, so your comments about glorious peace appear a little glib.
That is not a fact.
The wrong people are getting their hands on weapons.
As for Thatcher, I think she was just in fighting the war, because she was fighting to prevent the Falklands falling into fascist hands.
The way she fought the war, however, was legal (I shouldn't have said she was a war criminal), but grossly immoral.
The peace deal, if signed, would have kept the Falklands in British hands, and thus achieved what we was fighting for.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Some might say to take a fascist dictatorship at their word after they had invaded your sovreign territory would be a little naive.
His word was about to become an internationally binding contract.
-- Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:10 am --
Bugs Bunny said:
nashark said:
Anyone who is prepared to kill a man or die for their country is an utter scumbag.
On the other hand, those who fight and die for a just cause, are the finest, most virtuous type of human being and earn a respect from me that will never die.
So you want the members of the Armed Forces to be able to pick & choose which conflict they will take part in?
Yeah, I can see that working. I'm popping in to see my Commanding Officer tomorrow to tell him that if he's got me down as having to help out with Libya then he's got another think coming.
The government (the elected representatives of the people) should put forward cases which they think the people of this country might be interested in fighting for, and say, "if you think this is a cause worth fighting for, the Government will train you, provide you with weapons, and pay you handsomely to fight in it." If there's enough men to fight in it, the war goes ahead; if there's not, it doesn't.<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:19 am --<br /><br />
Kazzydeyna said:
When are you signing up. I'll come with you.
I'm not.
Kazzydeyna said:
Are you bringing your children with you to sign up?
No? Oh.
Don't have any.
Kazzydeyna said:
So it'll be somebody elses kids fighting and dying then?
I'd imagine so.
Kazzydeyna said:
Why don't we go after the REAL bastards that are causing death and robbery and genocide in the Arab/muslin/ middle eastern world - isreal.
Israel has nothing to do with it.
Kazzydeyna said:
Now that I'd vote for, but only if I could go myself. I'm no chicken-hawk, expecting somebody else to fight my wars for me.
Who is expecting someone to fight another's war?
If they're stupid enough to have signed up, they're fighting their own war.