Lionel Messi | Joins Inter Miami (pg4111)

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Ok so looking at it logically £150m isn’t outrageous. They fancy Garcia who we value at £30m and Angelino at what? £20m so that’s a £50m package. We agree to include them plus £50m so making it a £100m deal. They want £150m though so we add £50m as bonus’ over the contract term such as PL wins and CL wins, even MLS wins etc in to it, anything to string it out over 5 years. We achieve those then the money made outweighs the money spent. Add to this the deal in question looks like 3 years with us and 2 at NYCFC so you have to assume New York will finance some of this deal at some point even further reducing out outlayas a club. its not a crazy package in reality.

But if we can get him for free then why wouldn't we? You can bet your life those cunts at Barca wouldnt be doing us any favours if the boot was on the other foot.
But if we can get him for free then why wouldn't we? You can bet your life those cunts at Barca wouldnt be doing us any favours if the boot was on the other foot.

oh I agree, but can’t see that scenario going smoothly. In a worst case situation was my thinking but yes if he can successfully leave without the hassle then all is golden.
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