Lionel Messi | Joins Inter Miami (pg4111)

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Why would they offer him a 2 year deal lol. Madness !!!

“I’m a free agent “

“I don’t consider myself a Barcelona player “

“ my son doesn’t want to play here “

Hey here’s a 2 year extension lol
Barca probably said look contractually you can't leave but we are willing to offer you fresh terms. And now Messi has to think whether he wants to go nuclear. if he's sure of his legal position then he should surely do that.
We've already been told why. Repeatedly, in fact. They want to settle it amicably if they can. That is all. And you are wrong. His camp are pretty emphatic in their belief that the legal situation for Barca is hopeless. Let it go.
If the person you were replying to is a Barca fan I'll eat my own shit. 100 % rag troll who will be back in remedial school this week
All the Dippers coming out of the woodwork , Spit,Barnes ,Nicol , Liverpool Echo etc etc all coming out with the same old shit about Messi wont improve our team , the f*cking green eyed monster is a alive and well on Murkyside.
The fact is fans will queue for miles to watch Messi , they wouldnt cross the road to watch Klippet'ys Wimbledon
Did either of them become the greatest player ever whilst playing for one club; then make the legal act of canceling said contract whilst also refusing to partake in any club activities at all due to belief the relationship had legally terminated?

You comment is devoid of context. I find when this is done it is with the intent of adding the persons own feelings/wants and nuance; To create a thin veneer of narrative to uphold or otherwise give the mirrage of credibility to the implied meaning of their comment. That is to say you are forcing this negativity somewhat and not being objective.

It sounds like you have taken some sentences from Talksport and chopped them up like them thin white duke and put them back together.

Narrative tends to be one of the most misused word this days, and has taken on a pantomime villain role as a pejorative term.
Well that's open to interpretation. The date was seemingly hard-coded as June 10th. A court could say that's a firm date, which he didn't meet. So there would be a fee. Or they could say the clear intent was to allow him to leave ten days after the end of the season. I've heard that a Spanish court is likely to take the former view whereas a Swiss court may place more emphasis on the intent rather than the actual date.

Swiss court? Imagine this going to CAS with Messi - and by extension City - winning. Again. That would boil some serious piss!
I don't think Barcelona will take Messi to court. They would never be forgiven if the did by their supporters.
I personally think the discussions are over a fee to save face for the club. City will have already agreed a deal with Messi, as long as the exit fee is not silly money. Just my opinion.
The same thing was also said by this Journo: Twitter. Barto somehow needs to arrange money or else he needs to compensate for Barca's debt from his own pockets apparently. So Messi transfer helps him in that way..
Think Bartomeu has staked out a position that he can say he offered a new deal that Messi has been refused. Think the negotiating an exit starts now they’ll come to a fee and Bartemeu wiil try and take credit for getting the best fee he could after trying to get him to stay.
Still think by-the weekend a deal around €100 mill will be done.
So you're telling me that Jorge Messi has flown all the way from Argentina, during covid, to a country under quarantine restrictions, to just be told here's a two year contract extension for your son?

When his son has told his dad, his agent, quite clearly that he doesn't want to stay, he isnt going to train and wants out?

Jorge Messi has come to Spain to tell bartholemew to fuck off and say it's over, then he and his son are going to be hot footing onto their plane to fly to Manchester and sign for us.

Why else would he board a plane when contract extensions can be faxed to agents and be signed and faxed back? Add to the fact that Jorge had two suitcases with him then I'd hazard a guess he's on a mission for a couple of weeks.

Everyone needs to chill and not freak out at the slightest bit of negative tweets, everyone in twitter world wants to be important in this situation with Messi.

"All he needs is his life in a suitcase, it belongs to a friend of a friend".

The FIFA communique on temporarily extending contracts due to Covid certainly suggests the latter Colin
It does and there would have been no inkling that something like this would happen of course. But it still begs the question of why they didn't frame the clause as "10 days after the official season end". I'm no lawyer but I'd say the intent was pretty clear. But a contract is a legal document and there is no guarantee a court would see it that way.
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