Except, it's a billion dollar football club, and not a woman being beaten up, so it's not really like that at all. A multi millionaire getting more money out of a billionaire club is not quite the same as hitting a woman is it? Bit harsh and not a fair moral comparison. I get your metaphor in a way, but its worth remembering that Messi probs has little sympathy for Barcelona's finances, and in all truth, why should he? He probably can't stand the current chairmen and leadership team too. Doesn't mean he doesn't love the city, the fans, what the club means to him, the staff who he works with on a day to day basis etc. The club will still be ridiculously rich and win trophies long after he's gone. They'll clear that debt and get money off the state or sumat like they always have. Also, he's Lionel fucking Messi. If I was possibly the greatest ever in my job you're damn right i'd use my position to make sure the situation unfolded how I wanted it to if I could.