Lipex, Statins etc Debate

My sister had high ,blood pressure all her life and died last January she never took her statin so. I got mine ckd it was 7 it used to be 4.1 so I’m now taking. 1;0mg 2mg was to strong.
I started these a year ago, mainly due to my mum and dad both dying fairly young (61/73) from Heart failure/attack. My cholesterol was 5.7 a year ago so not too bad but just had blood test results and it’s now 3.5 and my “bad cholesterol” has seen a similar reduction.

I would recommend anyone over 50 to go to one of these health checks for men when invited. I didn’t know I had high blood pressure or high cholesterol and I’m sure many don’t.
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I was prescribed statins 2 years ago after a heart attack. After some research I didn't take them, didn't fancy risking diabetes, reduced mental capacity or muscle fatigue.
My cholesterol was 5, after changing my diet a bit and taking cholesterol lowering drinks etc it's now down to 4.
Many doctors prescribe drugs just for the sake of it.
I got put on statins about 2 years ago. Dad died aged 43 of heart attack. I'm 53 and a couple of my younger siblings have had non fatal heart attacks in their 40's. My cholesterol was 5.5.

After a while I had continuous joint pain especially in the knees which meant I had to stop running. If it wasnt the knees it would be in the ankle or shoulder. Proper pissed me off. Then I read books like the Great Cholesterol Con, and The Great Cholesterol Myth and their assertion that the original research linking cholesterol and coronary heart disease was flawed.

So I came off the statins and my joint pain disappeared. I told my doctor and instead of offering me an alternative she increased my dosage from 10 mg to 40 because my cholesterol was still 5.5 after a year.

So I never took them. i started running again and also taking a daily ginger turmeric and black pepper tablet. After 2 months my cholesterol has dropped to under 4
I got put on statins about 2 years ago. Dad died aged 43 of heart attack. I'm 53 and a couple of my younger siblings have had non fatal heart attacks in their 40's. My cholesterol was 5.5.

After a while I had continuous joint pain especially in the knees which meant I had to stop running. If it wasnt the knees it would be in the ankle or shoulder. Proper pissed me off. Then I read books like the Great Cholesterol Con, and The Great Cholesterol Myth and their assertion that the original research linking cholesterol and coronary heart disease was flawed.

So I came off the statins and my joint pain disappeared. I told my doctor and instead of offering me an alternative she increased my dosage from 10 mg to 40 because my cholesterol was still 5.5 after a year.

So I never took them. i started running again and also taking a daily ginger turmeric and black pepper tablet. After 2 months my cholesterol has dropped to under 4
Is this pain a side effect? I’ve had problems with my shoulders for about 18m now. Constantly aching. Thought it may just be posture but only really started after I started taking these.
I got put on statins about 2 years ago. Dad died aged 43 of heart attack. I'm 53 and a couple of my younger siblings have had non fatal heart attacks in their 40's. My cholesterol was 5.5.

After a while I had continuous joint pain especially in the knees which meant I had to stop running. If it wasnt the knees it would be in the ankle or shoulder. Proper pissed me off. Then I read books like the Great Cholesterol Con, and The Great Cholesterol Myth and their assertion that the original research linking cholesterol and coronary heart disease was flawed.

So I came off the statins and my joint pain disappeared. I told my doctor and instead of offering me an alternative she increased my dosage from 10 mg to 40 because my cholesterol was still 5.5 after a year.

So I never took them. i started running again and also taking a daily ginger turmeric and black pepper tablet. After 2 months my cholesterol has dropped to under 4
I was put on statins after a minor stroke last year. After a couple of months my knees were so bad I could hardly walk; no problems there before. Came off the statins and knees ok again after a few weeks.
Is this pain a side effect? I’ve had problems with my shoulders for about 18m now. Constantly aching. Thought it may just be posture but only really started after I started taking these.
I had daily knee pain, hip pain, heel pain. As soon as I stopped taking statins all the pain stopped.

Not took a statin for over a year
I was started on a statin a few months back by my Dr.
Had to stop the joint pain was awful and nausea too.
Dr has prescribed me a new one that he says is more tolerable.
We’ll see!

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