Liverpool (A) Post Match Thread.

No, I'll repeat.

Anyone who thinks the 20 year old kid who faced a prolonged racially motivated hate campaign from the most read newspaper in the country, booing (for no reason) at every ground for years, and racially aggravated assault before a game, but has still absolutely thrived and is a contender for player of the season is mentally weak is a fucking clown.

If you mean he struggles against liverpool, write he struggles against liverpool, not that he's mentally weak which is complete and utter shit, and not at all fair.
Exactly. Can't really say the player who has bailed us out in deadlocks at the final minute is "mentally weak".
3 mistakes in 10 minutes cost us,it's how we react against Newcastle that's important need to hammer them
Forgotten how shit it feels to lose (wasn't arsed about shakhtar because it didn't matter).
not deep enough to compete on 4 fronts we should have sacrificed one the of the domestic cups but difficult now we have got to a semi final .......

Yes we should but everyone wanks over the league cup like it's some holy grail on here. You could tell that one team had a rest in the week today. We were very lacklustre at times today.
We were off the pace from the first minute.... the Dippers were bang up for their World Cup Final again, we've lost by 1 goal, hit the bar and Sergio gone close at end, fine margins, there was always gonna be a day we weren't at full speed.... today was that day, they are probably the biggest danger to us and we'v gone down by 1 poxy goal.... onwards and upwards, lets take it out on Newcastle now.... As You Were Boys
So you was happy with Aguero & his performance today? If that's the case then the same applies to you from my point of view. People have bad games & there is nothing wrong with pointing that out.
No. But I didn’t round on him like a shithouse, nor single him out from the others who had equally shite games.

Bad day, great season. We’re top of the league. Get it in perspective.
Can’t blame Stones, he’s pushed in the back, a clear foul, said that we totally lost our composure for 10 minutes and throw away the game, it was weird to see because after the first minutes in the second half i really thought we were going to win.
Yep if was a howler your keeper passing it straight to a Liverpool player.

Usually he & all the defenders are very calm under pressure & only fuck up occasionally. Fernandinho too, is usually very quick & accurate on the ball. Stones is usually exceptional on the ball too but today, he was fucking terrible and so slow moving.

No idea what was wrong with him & Fernandinho.
Fair play your defending was as bad if not worse than ours for a while there. Prior to that it was an open game that could have gone either way. I think we were quick to punish you for the errors defensively which perhaps magnifys the mistakes we had you on the ropes for a while like you had us on the ropes at the end quickly capitalising on our errors.
Our goals didn't directly come from avoidable errors most of yours did(all of ours had assists), fair play to Liverpool for being ready to capitalise, we can argue over the 2nd goal all day(we all have bad ref calls to be fair and there was plenty of time left) but the way 3 and 4th happened especially was hard to take, we threw the game away ourselves in truth. 2-1 was not as bad a position for us as it seemed at the time, if we just kept our heads and showed the patience we normally do we'd have been fine IMO.

Can't blame Liverpool fans for taking the positives from their point of view it's a massive win whichever way it comes, I'd rather have silverware than worry about the unbeaten run in the league and mess up elsewhere.

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