Liverpool (A) Post Match Thread

Yesterday's game felt like you had bought a lottery ticket with a first prize of £10,000. At the end of the game, you won £3,333 as a 2nd prize. Although it is not as good as £10k, it is still better than third prize of nothing.

People are still moaning about Pep, fair enough but i am just glad he found a way to nullify the only tactics that worked against his teams. I think this will help the team greatly in champions league this year.

Not only that, i also think Pep will be determined to go one better from last year and the only way he can do it is by going unbeaten so looking forward to the rest of the reason. Gutted that we got an international break now.
Agree with all of this, I thought Pep had them sussed this time, and stifled the fuck out of them. After their usual 1000 miles
an hour start was nullified after 20 minutes, I was confident we'd win this, unfortunately, for some reason, the worst penalty taker
in the league was chosen.
I think it was a really good performance overall, and it felt like a significant step forward for this team. We overcame our mental hurdle at Anfield and effectively nullified a very good attacking side. We were the better side. Guardiola got his tactics spot on, and we very nearly took all three points. Anyone can miss a penalty though, it's part of the game.

Plenty of positives in the performances of Laporte, Stones, Bernardo and Fernandinho. We've now played arguably our toughest game of the season, and are top of the league with our best player to return. Can't wait for the international break to be out of the way.

That's the key. As disappointing as it was to miss the penalty and the chance to open up a lead at the top, the positive thing to take out of was the tactics. It was differently from how we played against them last season in that Pep held the players back from pressing and in doing so, stopped the ball on the top that Liverpool used last season and were expecting to use today.

The gaps in the back didn't appear for Salah and Mane and they were forced to try to create in front of a set defense. Overall, it was much harder for Liverpool and I don't think they created much.

I think we'll go with this in our next match(es) against Liverpool.
We deserved a win but it wasn’t to be.
That’s inexcusable behaviour by Mahrez, he has some huge apologising to do to the team. He should never be allowed to take one again. He didn’t offer anything today, he was predictable and lazy imo.
They’ll be parading we drew with City trophy tomorrow.
Bernardo was quality, Mendy, not quite there, but improving.
Stones and AL gelled well.

care to explain, particularly as pep instructed him to take it

List the others who had shots on target or allowed Mendy to have protection from Raheem
What did Mendy do so wrong yesterday?- gen question

Gave the ball away several times but overall he was disciplined and marshalled Salah pretty well.

Yeah i thought so too. He was really careless in possession. He did a good job defensively with a few interceptions, including denying a certain goal from Salah, but gave the ball away in dangerous positions on several occasions which could have easily cost us. For some reason, I'm more comfortable with Delph in these types of games. He's not as explosive but is more controlled.
What's frustrating is Liverpool were really poor and we still couldn't beat them.

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