I'm sure some chanting it do believe it's about Hillsborough sadly but I'm equally sure, as we've seen on here, that many don't.
In the Jewish religion, the laws and commandments as originally documented in the Five Books of the OT are generally quite high-level. As a result, there's a whole body of learned opinions on the practical requirements of observing those laws. One sentence in the Book of Exodus or Leviticus can easily generate dozens of volumes setting out the author's views on what constitutes strict observance of what seems to be the most arcane and trivial matters. And other authorities may have a different view.
As a result, the laws cover behaviours where try to eliminate situations where there's even the most infinitesimal chance of transgression, and even beyond that. So the prohibition on mixing milk and meat (from the sentence "Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother's milk" has been extended to chicken (but not fish, oddly). There is absolutely zero chance of that happening but the claim is there's a risk that someone might confuse a piece of chicken with a piece of meat. Let's be honest, who among us hasn't confused a chicken breast with a leg of lamb at some point? It's quite bizarre but there's also rules about how long you can leave it between consuming meat and milk.
On the same basis, if there's a chance that it could be linked to Hillsborough (and let's face it, there's still too many who do feel Liverpool fans were somehow to blame, even on this forum), then let's not sing it.
Will we get the same respect and tolerance from them? Highly unlikely but we'll have done the right thing and at least we'll have some moral high ground when we don't.
Its a strange idea to confirm in song and in public that you are sadist.