Liverpool - could they be relegated?

Prestwich_Blue said:
As the deadline for re-financing their RBS loan gets ever closer (Oct 15th), there is now the serious possibility that RBS could actually put Red Kop Holdings into administration.

As RKH's only asset is LFC, this could mean a 9 point deduction and them being 7 or 8 points adrift of safety. That would almost certainly mean anyone half decent going in January and leave them perilously placed.

Bloody hell!

its a nice thought but very unlikely.
fbloke said:
Damocles said:
Because they are the worst club in the world with the exception of United. Everything about them is built on lies, and I personally hope that they not only go bankrupt, but that Anfield goes into a slow decay, and falls down.

Dam' that is an unusually passionate response for you.

I certainly wont argue with you on this one ;-)

See here for a full expose on my feelings of Liverpool:

Since City has come into money, we've had flak from nearly every quarter.

Villa fans gave it out, though by and large, they are a good group at a good club and I hope it goes well for them in the future.
Everton fans gave it out, but they're suffering from small man syndrome probably because we are/were so similar as clubs before the takeover and they hate the fact that we've surpassed them already. Actually, winding up DSOB apart, they seem to have major gripes about the transfer of Lescott rather than anything else.
Spurs fans gave it out, and they have a c**t of a manager, but again, they generally seem to be knowledgeable lads who love their football, fair play to them.
Chelsea fans give it out a little bit, but most of them see that we're playing the game that they took to a new level.
Rags, well, they can go and fuck themselves ten times over.

Basically, you can find that any large group of fans are pretty much ok if you ignore both extremes of opinion and concentrate on the majority. We all share a love of this game, and all love the banter that goes with it.

That is, apart from Scousers. Scousers are a completely different breed of person. Boris Johnson once said that they are addicted to grief and he wasn't far off. Scousers are addicted to drama. Their whole self image is based upon a myth that never existed, their fans seem themselves and their club as a righteous light of goodness in the darkness of the modern football. They are the most English of all the English. Constantly whining, blaming other people, shouting from the tops of the roofs about how huge a tragedy this is for Liverpool/England/Football (delete as applicable).

As I say, in most cases you can delete the extremes and be left with a bunch of decent, footy loving people. However, when you delete the extremes of the scousers, you are left with nothing. They are the Taliban or the Nazis of modern football; a shaky regime based upon nothing but propaganda, bought into by idiots who cannot recognise when they are being played by the 'man'.

I hate them with every fibre of my being, and I wouldn't mind if they went bankrupt tomorrow. I continuously hope that Everton finish above them, just to stick it right up their up turned noses. They are a plague on football who should have been cured the day after they were found guilty of killing fans in Heyshel. They can point to all of the metal trophies in the world about how they are this great club, I'll point to the graves of dead men.

Fuck 'em.

How are Liverpool a 'fantastic club with a brilliant history'?

Was it because they spent double what others spent to assemble their dominant team? Was it because they got us all banned from Europe including City? Was it because they grief the death of bacteria when they use a bit of bleach?

Credit where credit is due; Liverpool are complete scum - as people, as fans and as a club. Even their captain is only still there because he supposedly knows that he'll have his legs smashed if he moves, presumably after his missus allegedly does the local hardman again.

Also, I'm not sure how they are 'trying to play football the right way'. Is this by selling their club into debt, constantly sticking 5 men in midfield to have the slowest tempo possible, then whinging at all of the above? That is, unless it's successful, whereby they claim that they wanted it all along and it was some sort of grand masterplan, just as they slag us off then wank themselves into a frenzy when a supposed billionaire sniffs anywhere near them

I don't hope they go down, I hope they go bankrupt, the murdering, self satisfied, over dramatic fucking wankers. I sometimes like to imagine that those red shirts aren't actually football tops, but are flames burning the pitiful excuses for footballers who play for that shithole of a club.

I don't want them to die, purely because I can't be arsed with the 20 years worth of earache it would generate from these fawning bastards, but if they went bankrupt, were taken over by the Bill Shankly group, then sold all of their players and were relegated to the Conference, I'd be toasting them.

Don't let them fool you in the here and now; many of the City fans who used to frequent Maine Road will tell you, the scousers have never had any love for us Mancs and we more than reciprocate their feelings.

To reiterate my original post; fuck 'em.

dipper rant about Pique's comments re Torres

Who the f**k do Barc think they are, Liverpool are a bigger club, we have a bigger worldwide fan base, we have been more successful with more European cups, f**k sake we sell more f**king merchandise for Adidas then Real or Barc do for Nike.

So do you know what f**k off Pique and mind your own f**king business. You were quick enough f**king off from Barc when Utd flashed a bit of cash at you when you were younger. I used to like Barc I f**king despise them now.
I don't think they'll go down, but I think their season will be over when they get knocked out of the FA Cup. As for their banner that read "Against mod£rn football", an old phrase springs to mind - live by the sword, die by the sword. I'll never forget the way some of their fans ripped the piss out of me at school for following City, I have a chuckle when I watch them losing at home to Northampton
Damocles said:
fbloke said:
Dam' that is an unusually passionate response for you.

I certainly wont argue with you on this one ;-)

See here for a full expose on my feelings of Liverpool:

Since City has come into money, we've had flak from nearly every quarter.

Villa fans gave it out, though by and large, they are a good group at a good club and I hope it goes well for them in the future.
Everton fans gave it out, but they're suffering from small man syndrome probably because we are/were so similar as clubs before the takeover and they hate the fact that we've surpassed them already. Actually, winding up DSOB apart, they seem to have major gripes about the transfer of Lescott rather than anything else.
Spurs fans gave it out, and they have a c**t of a manager, but again, they generally seem to be knowledgeable lads who love their football, fair play to them.
Chelsea fans give it out a little bit, but most of them see that we're playing the game that they took to a new level.
Rags, well, they can go and fuck themselves ten times over.

Basically, you can find that any large group of fans are pretty much ok if you ignore both extremes of opinion and concentrate on the majority. We all share a love of this game, and all love the banter that goes with it.

That is, apart from Scousers. Scousers are a completely different breed of person. Boris Johnson once said that they are addicted to grief and he wasn't far off. Scousers are addicted to drama. Their whole self image is based upon a myth that never existed, their fans seem themselves and their club as a righteous light of goodness in the darkness of the modern football. They are the most English of all the English. Constantly whining, blaming other people, shouting from the tops of the roofs about how huge a tragedy this is for Liverpool/England/Football (delete as applicable).

As I say, in most cases you can delete the extremes and be left with a bunch of decent, footy loving people. However, when you delete the extremes of the scousers, you are left with nothing. They are the Taliban or the Nazis of modern football; a shaky regime based upon nothing but propaganda, bought into by idiots who cannot recognise when they are being played by the 'man'.

I hate them with every fibre of my being, and I wouldn't mind if they went bankrupt tomorrow. I continuously hope that Everton finish above them, just to stick it right up their up turned noses. They are a plague on football who should have been cured the day after they were found guilty of killing fans in Heyshel. They can point to all of the metal trophies in the world about how they are this great club, I'll point to the graves of dead men.

Fuck 'em.

How are Liverpool a 'fantastic club with a brilliant history'?

Was it because they spent double what others spent to assemble their dominant team? Was it because they got us all banned from Europe including City? Was it because they grief the death of bacteria when they use a bit of bleach?

Credit where credit is due; Liverpool are complete scum - as people, as fans and as a club. Even their captain is only still there because he supposedly knows that he'll have his legs smashed if he moves, presumably after his missus allegedly does the local hardman again.

Also, I'm not sure how they are 'trying to play football the right way'. Is this by selling their club into debt, constantly sticking 5 men in midfield to have the slowest tempo possible, then whinging at all of the above? That is, unless it's successful, whereby they claim that they wanted it all along and it was some sort of grand masterplan, just as they slag us off then wank themselves into a frenzy when a supposed billionaire sniffs anywhere near them

I don't hope they go down, I hope they go bankrupt, the murdering, self satisfied, over dramatic fucking wankers. I sometimes like to imagine that those red shirts aren't actually football tops, but are flames burning the pitiful excuses for footballers who play for that shithole of a club.

I don't want them to die, purely because I can't be arsed with the 20 years worth of earache it would generate from these fawning bastards, but if they went bankrupt, were taken over by the Bill Shankly group, then sold all of their players and were relegated to the Conference, I'd be toasting them.

Don't let them fool you in the here and now; many of the City fans who used to frequent Maine Road will tell you, the scousers have never had any love for us Mancs and we more than reciprocate their feelings.

To reiterate my original post; fuck 'em.


So basically, you're undecided?
Fuck no,can you imagine the mourning and cries for JUSTICE that would come from the City of self pity if this happened?

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